Yes, All she has to do is contact the clerk of the court. Most jurisdictions will allow you to present proof of your insurance to the court clerks office and have the ticket dismissed. Some jurisdictions may require that she first plead not guilty and then present her documents to the court.
bear in mind that the law does not just require that you have insurance. If you read the the text of the law it will sate that you must "carry proof" of financial responsibility at all times when operating a motor vehicle on public road.
Question detailmore background: my friend was pulled over for speeding, when asked for license, registration, and insurance ...she had to search for proof of insurance because her AAA card wasn't sufficient enough for the cop. cop took her 2 documents she did have, told her to keep looking, and went to his car. when cop came back she had the documentation of policy. cop already had the ticked for driving w/o insurance ticket written up. and gave her a verbal for the speeding. wouldn't even look at the insurance docs. can she fight the ticket?You have to pay the ticket or fight it just like every body else. SR22 Insurance is the same as Auto Insurance, Except that a court has ordered you to have your insurer file a Form SR22 as proof that you are insured with the state to assure them you are properly insured so that your drivers license was not suspended. The SR22 is usually ordered because of a prior citation, usually for drinking and driving or driving without insurance or for a prior accident without insurance.
No, you should be covered by his insurance. His insurance works out of state, that means it works with you as well. Fight the ticket, you will win.
You can appeal a ticket surcharge that is imposed by your insurance company with your state insurance department but you will lose if you try to blame the police officer. Police officers have no responsibility to inform you of what might happen to your insurance if you get a ticket. In fact they don't care what happens to your insurance rates, if you violated a traffic law you should expect to get a ticket.
if it was a reeeally important call yes
When getting a ticket, most states offer you a chance to go to court and fight the ticket so you do not get the points on your license. The points on your license is what actually raises your insurance rate. The insurance rate will go up depending on the amount of points given because of the ticket. If no points are given, your rate will stay the same.
Not sure the exact ticket but, you could be charged with Dangerous/Wreck-less Driving or if there is a fight, Assault.
You have to decide what is at stake concerning the ticket. Will your insurance go up? Were you falsy ticketed? Will you lose your license? Basically you must weigh the cost of the ticket over the cost of the attorney.
I don't have a full answer for u, but i can tell u this... if u pay for that ticket without going to court and tryingto fight it. u are basically pleading guilty to the whle situation. i do not know for sure if a seatbelt ticket goes toward your points or not but it douse not have anything to do with your driving performance. hope this helps. later.
Photo tickets are considered a moving violation. Moving violations will increase your auto insurance premiums if you are found guilty. When you pay the fine associated with your photo ticket, you are admitting guilt. If you go to court and fight the ticket, you can request traffic school. Going to traffic school or fighting the ticket are the only two ways to prevent an increase in your insurance rates.
Yes you can. You can fight any ticket regardless of method of issue. Just make sure you have a solid case against for whatever ticket it is you want to fight.
I got a ticket for driving no operator license back in September 2007. Miss my court day and need to know what can I do to get my license back. I got the ticket in robeson county and I stay in charlotte I don't have away to get up there to set another court day and Im tring to see if i can get my ticket bill to go down or get drop. can i get a free lawyer to go to court for me to handle my case?
NO, IT WILL FOLLOW YOU. Now all the states are "linked" a long time ago you could get away with it, but not now.