Without having a specific car being asked about, a good average would be around $5,000.00.
The average price for a movie ticket in 1975 was $2.05.
The average price of a gallon of regular leaded gasoline in 1975 was 57 cents (about $1.55 in today's dollars).
Average price for a new car in 1995 was $15,500.
The average price of a new car in 1984 was $6,294.
The average price for a movie ticket in 1975 was $2.05. As 2010 is not over, there is no average price yet. It can vary from 7 - 12 dollars.
The US average price for a gallon of gas in 1975 was $0.57. Gas remained under the dollar mark until the 80's.
What was the average price of a car and motorcycle in the year 1929?
The Average price for a car was $12,350.00!
Depends on the price of the car: If the average price of a car was $20k the payment will be around $350.
What is the Average price of a Car Seat?
As of April 2012, the average price of a new car was$30,303 reports Forbes.
In 1991 the average price for a new car was $16'000