The average price of a movie ticket in 1984 was $3.36.
Average price for a new car in 1995 was $15,500.
What was the average price of a car and motorcycle in the year 1929?
The Average price for a car was $12,350.00!
Average U.S. city price was around $1.30.
Depends on the price of the car: If the average price of a car was $20k the payment will be around $350.
a lota dolla
What is the Average price of a Car Seat?
As of April 2012, the average price of a new car was$30,303 reports Forbes.
In 1991 the average price for a new car was $16'000
The average price of a smart car is around the 13,000 dollar mark. The cheapest smart car on the market is the Pure model for the price of 11,590 dollars.
In 1991 the average price for a new car was $16'000