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Q: What type of insurance will pay for damage if you are the victim on a hit and run driver?
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What type of insurance will pay for damages if you are the victim of hit-and-run driver?

Medical or Health Insurance

What type of insurance will pay for damages if you are the victim of a hit-and-run driver?

Comprehensive Coverage.

What is the cost of property damage liability car insurance?

Cost varries by state, driver, car type and other criteria. You can get a quote at

What type of insurance must every driver have in the state of NJ?

Liability Insurance

What do you do when you are involved in an accident that was not your fault but your insurance has lapsed and the other driver wants your information?

Tell that driver exactly that. And see what type of arrangement, you can come up with. In most states, your license will be suspended for a year, so if its not your fault, explain to the driver, even with your information it will not tilt the scales in his favor with the insurance company, but surely damage your license.

Does comprehensive auto insurance cover damage from road debris?

It depends on the terms of the insurance and the type of damage to the vehicle. Contact your insurance agent for the terms of your insurance. In general, it should.

Why is liability an especially important type of car insurance?

Liability insurance is an especially important type of car insurance because it covers damages that are your (the driver) fault.

What type of insurance must you have on a motor vehicle with four or more wheels?

The minimum insurance you can have is where if you crash into someone that you have insurance that will cover the other persons vehicles damage. So that way who ever is in fault has their insurance pay for damage and cost goes up for them for their insurance. So that way driver messes up his car and if he crashed into you his insurance pays for your damage that type of insurance covers other persons vehicle and their health. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The minimum insurance in most states to be legally driving is referred to as 15-30-5. This means you need at least 15 thousand in property damage insurance, 30 thousand in total damage and 5 thousand in minimum medical insurance. This is an absolute minimum and if you have any net worth or beieve you will someday have net worth you should carry far more insurance than this. To drive for most companies or drive a rental car, they require a $500K minimum blanket coverage.

If you hit an unlicensed driver will your insurance pay for damages to his car?

This will depend on the type of insurance coverage. The insurance company can decide to go to court and argue that since the driver was uninsured, then they should not be liable for damages.

Can your home owners insurance cover structural damage in your home?

Depends on the specific insurance and the type of structural damage. The question is to vague to be answered adequately here.

What part of coverage is sacrificed for cheap auto insurance?

Usually you sacrifice covering damage to your own vehicle in any type of accident. Most bare bones insurance plans only cover the other driver in an accident so that you would not be held liable.

You wrecked your friends car it was your fault they had no insurance nor do you what type of insurance do you need that will cover you when you drive some else's car?

You can buy a "Non-owners" or a "Named Operator" policy that will cover the damage you cause to the other party for injuries or property damage to the other vehicle. The only way to cover damage to the vehicle you are driving is to have the owner of the purchase a traditional auto insurance policy, with comprehensive and collision coverage, and then list you as a driver on their policy.