You should have liability coverage with sufficient limits to cover a typical accident claim and protect you against claims that could attach to your other assets. Depending on the laws of your state, you may be required to maintain personal injury coverage. The choice whether to maintain "comprehensive" insurance, which would pay to repair or replace your vehicle if you are the one who causes an accident, is really an economic one. Look at the cost of the premium versus the value of the vehicle, and determine whether you could easily purchase a new vehicle if yours were destroyed and no insurance was available. If another driver is At Fault, their insurance would likely cover your car's replacement. But if damage is your fault, you would be out of luck.
Well it depends on your school grades, how old you are, what type of car you have, and where you get your insurance from.
There is a special type of insurance for classic autos. If you have a classic, old style car, and you want insurance, many companies provide this insurance for it.
You should shop around for any auto insurance, no matter how old or new your car is. You should know that the older the car, the less the value, which means that your insurance won't be as much as a newer one.
If by 50 car insurance, you mean you are considering switching to car insurance for those over 50 years old, it would not be a bad idea if you qualify. You can often get discounts on car insurance with the same coverage.
There are many places a 17-year old could purchase inexpensive car insurance. One should try getting quotes from Travelers, US Auto Insurance, and 21st Insurance.
Should be able to contact Delaware's dept of insurance, or an agent they will be able to tell you for sure.
If he will be driving the car, then he should be on the policy.
There are lots of people having the same question like you and yours is just another one. Basically speaking about car insurance Car insurance is the most widely purchased type of insurance coverage. Car insurance is designed to protect you, your family, and your automobile. Cheap car insurance is a popular avenue these days, but you should be sure that you're getting all of the coverage you need, as damage to your car or another person's car may cost you money out-of-pocket if you don't have sufficient coverage and your car insurance rate may go up.
I would think so, as the car could potentially break down at any moment; as I imagine the car would be very worn out. I would get another car, but yes you should get insurance.
The rates offered by ING car insurance, like all other car insurance companies, will vary based on the age of the driver, type of vehicle, how old the vehicle is, as well as past driving history of the driver.
Yes some 16 year old girls can get car insurance.