On average it takes 1 ton per 500 square ft.
What size AC unit for 2400 sqft ranch house in NC
I am looking for a window AC unit to use in my whole house. What is the BTU's one would need to cool a whole house?
4 Ton
4 ton
The average cost would be around $900 USD for a house around 1200 Square feet. I hope this helped some. - Sythor
There is no "one size". The number of windows, orientation of the house, insulation, climate, and a number of other factors influence the sizing of the AC unit. If the unit is improperly sized, the energy consumption will be high and the life of the unit will be shortened. The only way to determine the correct size is to do a Manual J calculation, or use software that implements that method.
The recommended wire size for an AC unit installation is typically 10-gauge wire.
A 3 ton is ideal more for a house that's 1200 sq. ft, I would recommend a 2.5 ton
The recommended AC breaker size for a 240V air conditioning unit is typically 20 amps.
$1200 to $1500 depending on the length of run