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Well, your first mistake was not calling the police. You've agreed to take care of it civilly, which pretty much right now means you're at the mercy of the other person and the estimate they get. If you can in your state, I'd still pick up an accident form, fill it out yourself and submit it to your insurance. Rates with a reputable company seldom increase, but the other party in the crash can claim any damages they like and, should they drag you into court, the burden is on you to prove your defense. If you do decide to handle things civilly and you think the payment they're requesting is fair, give them a check and in the memo line wirte "Paid in full." This will help relieve you of future claims. Be safe and good luck. IF YOU DIDNT GET A POLICE REPORT OR IF THE AMOUNT OF THE QUOTE IS LESS THAN YOUR INSURANCE DEDUCTABLE IT WOULD BE BEST FOR YOU TO PAY OUT OF POCKET. BUT IF IT IS MORE THAN YOUR DEDUCTABLE YOU WOULD BE BETTER TO PAY THROUGH YOUR INSURANCE

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Q: What should you do if you rear end someone but damage is minimal They decide not to call the police or insurance til they get an estimate They offer to let you pay out of pocket or thru insurance?
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Where can someone get a car damage estimate?

Someone can get a car damage estimate from a number of companies such as Geico. Geico offers car damage estimates and appraisals, as well as car insurance.

In California say I have no car insurance and I rear end someone at forty mph with minimal damage to their car and I have to appear in court will there be a fine if I get insurance by court date.?

Yes, you will still get a fine because you did not have insurance at the time of the accident,no matter what the amount of the damage is.And ofcorse there's court cost.

Will liability insurance cover damage to a person's vehicle caused by someone else?

NO, liability covers damage you do to someone else's property. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle by someone else. If you have no comprehensive, then you will need to look to their insurance for recovery of damages.

Will liability insurance pay off your vehicle if it is totaled?

Your own liability insurance will never pay for the damage to your property or for your medical expenses. Your collision insurance pays for damage to your property, if it is your fault. Your Uninsured Motorist Insurance or Underinsured Motorist Insurance pays for damage to your property if caused by someone else who is uninsured or under-insured. Your liability insurance will pay for the damage to someone else's property or for someone else's medical expenses, if it is your fault. Someone else's liability insurance will pay for the damage to your property or for your medical expenses, if it is their fault.

What insurance provides medical and property damage coverage if you are in an accident with someone who does not have insurance?

Usually your own insurance.

What is a sentence using the word minimal?

I prefer a minimalistic approach to home decor, with clean lines and neutral colors.

What happens if you hit a city bus?

the bus will get minimal damage u will get the brunt of the impact.Added: It is quite likely that your insurance company will be very unhappy with you. Regardless of the severity of the impact you can rest assured that SOMEONE on board the bus will suddenly find they suffered a disabling injury and will sue your insurance carrier. . . and possibly you.

What do you do if you are not satisfied with the outcome of an insurance estimate on damage to your car?

Take the vehicle to a repair shop and obtain your own estimate. You have the right to obtain your own estimate for your damages.

How can you find out if someone has current automobile insurance?

You can't. That is private information between insurance companies and their clients. If someone has caused damage to your car you may have to get a lawyer and take them to court. If that person has insurance then their insurance company will defend their client and pay on their behalf if the court decides that they are liable for your damage.

Will car insurance cover if you damage your own car?

If you intentionally do the damage then it is excluded and the policy will provide no coverage. <><><> To expand upon above answer, it depends on your insurance coverage. As said, deliberate damage is not covered. LIABILITY insurance covers damage you do to someone else or their property. COLLISION insurance covers damage you may do to your own car (by accident)

What do you do when the insurance adjusters estimate is less than the estimate you obtained from the body shop?

Get an estimate from another place or demand that the damage should be fixed according to your needs. Insurance companies work for you, if not contact the insurance commissioner in your state. They work for you, and are not called "Insurance Gods" for no reason. I am an insurance agent. you have paid to have your stuff replaced exactly to your specifications.

What part of your insurance covers someone running into a fence?

The person's collision insurance should cover the damage to their car, and their liability insurance should cover the damage to the fence and property. If they have no collision insurance, they will have to fix their car on their own.