

Best Answer

I think you shoul dgo to the police. They can help you with anything that relates to a crime.

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Q: What should you do if someone stole your car?
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Insurance is supposed to return the car to the condition it was before it was stolen.

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Only if someone stole it from the owner. Otherwise the car is just repossesed by the finance company.

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Type your answer here... yes someone dressed up as a police man and shot him dead when he was in his car. and then they stole his car!

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You wouldn't find what they stole when you needed it.

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stole means to take something from someone wrongly

If someone stole a car the owner got the car back and found out who did it demanded an unresonable sum of money to pay nonexistent damages or else press charges is it blackmail and is it legal?

If you can prove the car was returned undamaged, then you may have a chance in court. If he damaged the car, and he tries to pin it on you, and has proof you stole it then you're screwed. ... Reasonable doubt my friend. Unless you can prove you returned the car in the same condition you stole it in, the judge will have enough doubt to believe you incurred the damages to his vehicle.

Who is responsible if a car gets stolen from a car dealer?

The person who stole the car.

Why is your truck missing?

Someone stole it.

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"While we were watching Steal This Movie, vandals stole our car."