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39% of accidents are caused by alchocal.

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Q: What percentage or car accidents are cause by alcohol?
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Related questions

What percentage is alcohol involved in fatal car accidents?

50 percent

Why does alcohol cause car accidents?

It does because alcohol muddles the brain, so that you don't know what you're doing and lose control.

How many car accidents are there related with alcohol per year?

41,000 also died in alcohol related car accidents

What is the leading cause of death among adolescents?

rape, murder, suicide, overdose on drugs, car accidents

What percentages of car accidents are caused by smoking?

the percentage of car accidents caused by smoking is 76%

What is the percentage of car accidents in Alaska?


What is the percentage of alcohol related deaths in car accidents?

Alcohol is a factor in about 29% of all traffic-related deaths in the United States. This makes it one of the leading causes of fatal car accidents. It is important for drivers to never drink and drive to help prevent these tragedies.

How many people died in alcohol related car accidents in 2006?

According to 17,602 people died in alcohol-related accidents.

What percentage of collisions were single car accidents?


What percentage of people killed in car accidents are killed by drunk drivers?

Approximately 28% of people killed in car accidents are killed by drunk drivers in the United States. This percentage can vary depending on the region and year, but alcohol-impaired driving remains a significant factor in road fatalities.

What is the percentage of drunk drivers that die in car accidents?


How many teens died in alcohol related car accidents in 2007?

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