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Q: What is the percentage of drunk drivers that die in car accidents?
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What percentage of people killed in car accidents are killed by drunk drivers?

Approximately 28% of people killed in car accidents are killed by drunk drivers in the United States. This percentage can vary depending on the region and year, but alcohol-impaired driving remains a significant factor in road fatalities.

How many car accidents due to drunk drivers?

1 in every 4. Isn't that scary?

What are the most common causes of car accidents in Australia?

Car accidents are caused by many things but the main cause of accidents are speeding drivers.Statistics show that 40% of the accidents worldwide are caused by speeding. The other reasons being distracted drivers (26%) and drunk drivers (34%)All sources are governmental prooven

What problems do drunk driving cause?

Drunk drivers account for thousands of deaths and injuries every year because their mental and physical abilities are impaired by alcohol which result in car accidents .

How many alcohol related car accidents occur on Saint Patrick's Day?

Loads i guess it is due to the drunk drivers drank on Guiness Extra Cold (r)

Accidents due to drunk and drive?

Yes it is one of the most frequent reasons of car accidents.

Who dies most in car accidents?

According to statistics male drivers causes twice as many accidents as female drivers.

What percentages of car accidents are caused by smoking?

the percentage of car accidents caused by smoking is 76%

What proportion of drivers killed in traffic accidents are over the limit?

In 2005 16% of drivers aged 16 to 20 who were killed in car accidents were drink drivers

Why are youths charged a higher fee for car insurance?

Because they are a higher risk, because they have a higher percentage of accidents than more experienced drivers.

What is the percentage of car accidents in Alaska?


What percentage or car accidents are cause by alcohol?

39% of accidents are caused by alchocal.