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Sorry but you can't. Since you have to have a licensed driver in the passenger seat when you drive, you are under that person's insurance (most likely your parents). I have never heard of an auto insurance company giving insurance to a non-licensed driver (but I'm sure they would make some more money that way!). WHEN you get your license and can show proof of you driver's license ID number (or it's on record) THEN they will give you auto insurance. You're parents can actually put you on as an "occasional driver" on their insurance. Granted, if you are under 25 and male (or just under 25), they'll be forking over some serious cash to have you on their insurance. If you wreck, their insurance will go through the roof, or worse, they'll be dropped.

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Q: What ny auto insurance agencies insure people with learner's permits?
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Is my son covered on my policy with his learner's permit?

Most insurance companies will automatically insure a child in your home with a learners permit. It is best to check with your insurance company to be sure.

Do you need to insure a driver with a learners permit in PA?

Likely, contact your agent, your companies policy services dept or your states dept of insurance for clarity.

Where can shop insurance be purchased?

You can insure your buisness with many differnt insurance companies. You should call your local agencies for your individual needs. They can match what your needs are to the policy you create.

Where can you find an insurance company that will insure your car when all you have is a permit?

As an insurance agent, my company insures drivers with permits in the following 3 states: New York, PA and New Jersey. If you need any assistance in doing so, please contact our office.www.castlerockagency.com646.467.7831

Can a 15 year old with a learners permit get car insurance?

Check with your insurance company, but in most states they are covered under the parents' policy at no charge until they get their license. You should tell your insurance company that your child does have a permit to insure proper coverage Try this site where you can get quotes from different companies

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they insure themselves

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Hard to insure homeowners insurance could mean that you have poor credit or represent high risk to a homeowners insurance company.

What are some auto insurance companies in Florida?

Some cheap auto insurance companies in Florida are Swift Cover, Florida Insure, Insure and Go and Complete Insurance. Of these, Insure and Go are considered to be the cheapest but this will depend on your circumstances.

Can you buy a car with learners permit from dealers in Maryland and get car insurance with learners permit?

No, you cannot legally drive a car even by yourself with a learners permit. A learners permit is just to show that some one is teaching you how to drive therefore you really aren't experienced driver yet. You must be 18 to have your own car insurance also. So therefore you *COULD NOT* buy a car from a dealer.Another View: There is nothing in the law that states that you must hold a valid drivers license in order to purchase a vehicle - and you do NOT need insurance in order to buy it. You only need to have it insured if the vehicle is being operated on the public roads.The question of whether you can buy insurance or not is up to the individual insurance company. If you pay them the premium I'm sure they'll be glad to insure the car.JUST REMEMBER - you CANNOT drive the vehicle legally if you are not fully licensed or in conformance with your learners permit.

Who will insure custom chopper motorcycle in South Carolina?

Look in your local yellow pages and call some of the larger insurance agencies. You may also wish to check with the local bike shops as they may have referrals.

Do you need to insure a driver with a learners permit in CO?

If they're going to be driving, they need to be insured.

What are some car insurance companies that will insure a classic truck?

Insurance companies that will insure classic trucks include Direct Line and More Than. A company called Classic Truck Insurance also insure classic trucks.