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As an insurance agent, my company insures drivers with permits in the following 3 states: New York, PA and New Jersey. If you need any assistance in doing so, please contact our office.

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Q: Where can you find an insurance company that will insure your car when all you have is a permit?
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Do you have to find a special insurance company to insure a quad?

"Most companies that offer car insurance should insure a quad. The specific price of insurance may vary, since motorcycles are more dangerous to drive than cars."

Where can one find a chart for Term Life Insurance Company Ratings?

To find Term Life Insurance Company ratings chart, please visit Insure website. They offer a lookup tool to view the latest insurance ratings where one can find the top insurance companies.

Is it possible to insure a Bugatti Veyron 16.4?

Yes if you can find an insurance company that will insure you. You're looking at the neighborhood of around $15,000 per year just for insurance.

Can someone own a car but have someone else insure it?

Yes. Many insurance companies will not be willing to insure this type of risk, but you will be able to find a company to do this. The primary concern for most insurance companies is who is the main operator of the vehicle.

Your car title and car insurance have to be in the same state?

no yo can use the internet to find the best deal from any insurance company that is licensed to insure in your state.

Where can one find Insurance ratings for Insurance companies?

One can find insurance ratings for insurance companies at the Insure website. One can also search Standard and Poor's measurements, and see if the insurance company one is looking at is registered with the Better Business Bureau.

Which is the best insurance company for you to insure and go with?

It depends on what type of insurance you need, your credit score, and where you live. There are several websites that will help you find multiple quotes to get the best deal.

What benefits should health insurance for a small company offer for its employees?

You should work with a health insurance broker to find the best plan for your company. It depends on the number of people you hire, the company you decide to insure through, and a number of other factors.

Is there any insurance company that will insure gold bars? may be able to assist you with this. Did you find anyone to insure your gold bards,do you still need help? Their is alway a company to met your insurable needs.Your Current Agent should be able to help you.

What companies offer bike insurance?

Most if not all insurance companies that insure automobiles will insure motorcycles. This includes Geico, Allstate, Nationwide and many others. There are also online companies that will insure motorcycles. Just do a search on the internet for insurance to find companies that will isure motorcycles. If looking for bicycle insurance, it may not be worth it. The insurance may cost more than the bike itself. Check with any insurance company to see if bike or motorcycle insurance if available.

What are some good household life insurance companies?

One good household life insurance company is HSBC. One can also find comprehensive language regarding household life insurance on the Insure and QuickQuote websites.

Is there an insurance company in Maryland that offers insurance for someone with a learners permit only?

Any Insurance Company authorized in your state may write an Auto Insurance Policy for a driver with a learners permit. Some simply choose not to do so because they will consider a new driver high risk. Just call around or search online until you find one who will accept the risk.