

What kindof wax vinyl floor?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What kindof wax vinyl floor?
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How do you apply wax to a vinyl floor?

You simply do not.

Will removing a wax buildup off a 'no-wax' floor ruin the finish on he floor?

Vinyl is the only "no wax" floor I am aware of and removing the wax should not damage the vinyl finish. You can get removal products at most flooring stores that are specifically designed for this purpose. I took the "no wax" wax off my "no wax" floor and it looked better than ever.

Can you use wax on glue down vinyl floor tiles?

Yes, you can use wax.

How do you prepare a new vinyl floor for waxing?

Almost all vinyl today is "no wax" vinyl. You never want to apply wax to this type of floor. Check with the manufacture or retailer you purchased it from. In the rare and strange event you have a floor requiring wax, you would use a stripper to remove any residue on the surface.

Liquid wax for vinyl floor to polish by mopping?

Mop & Glo is a type of liquid wax for vinyl flooring that you might polish by mopping.

How do you get wax off a vinyl tile floor?

If its floor wax, Wax stripper available in any home center, most grocery stores... If you are talking about candle wax that is different

What items are safe to use for cleaning on a vinyl floor?

You might want to check the manufacturer's labels which often state whether you can use a product on a vinyl floor. You can use SC Johnson Wax Tile and Vinyl Floor Cleaner and Pledge Tile and Vinyl Floor Cleaner.

How do you strip and seal vinyl floors?

I have old (20 plus probably) Kentile flooring in my home that I would like to wax. They are very dull and only stay shiny for a short period of time when I wax them with just a generic floor wax such as Johnsons or Armstrong. Does anyone know the proper procedure for cleaning, sealing, waxing this type of floor? Vinyl flooring is the easiest flooring to maintain. It cleans up easily with a myriad of products. I prefer "Armstrong" vinyl floor cleaner. It is available at most supermarkets. Follow the instructions on the label. For deeper cleaning- particularly on textured vinyl- get on your hands and knees and use a scrub brush. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.

Why do you wax a vinyl floor?

Most of the vinyl floors that are sold currently are called "No Wax Vinyl Floors" this means that the top coating is manufactured so that when you use the floor cleaner suggested it will look as it did when installed- the flooring industry..(like computers) are constantly changing and becoming more user friendly/easy care- Vinyl floors that are not called No wax- need to be stripped and cleaned- then liquid wax applied to give it that wet look-shiny- then normal household traffic will dull the floor- once again having to clean/strip and re-apply wax- to give it shine and slight protection- The manufactures suggestions- The no wax floors now just require a simple mop and no rinse solution- (like mop and glo)- but you should always follow the manufacturers suggestions for care and cleaning of your vinyl flooring- house hold cleaners that are bought at the grocery store like pine sol etc- will ruin the floor and yellow over time- Always use vinyl cleaning products from the manufacturers like Armstrong-Mannington and Congoleum-these types of cleaners will make the floor look great and will look good for a long time- vinly floors need to be cleaned/stripped and polish reapplied for beauty-

Install a vinyl floor on top of another vinyl floor?

No, you should not.

How do you remove cleaning wax from vinyl?

You can remove floor wax with a floor stripper. You can find this at home depot. Depending on the number of coats, your floor may require NUMEROUS applications- because, like dish soap binds grease, stripper binds wax. If there is more grease in the dishwater, you'll need more soap. And so it is with stripper and wax. Mix with water according to directions. BE CAREFUL! The flooor will be very slick! You will then need to take the dirty water up after every application with a shop vac (is best) or a mop. Be generous with each application. Puddling is recommended, letting it dwell for 5 mins or as per directions, but not allowed to dry. You may use a deck brush if it will not damage the underlying vinyl. You will, afterward, need to seal your vinyl as this process will damage any "no wax" properties it may have. If it is a commercial vinyl floor, it will also need to be sealed or waxed again. Hope this helps. Brooke of

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