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The Booster offers safe, comfortable rides for someones child. Moving from a car seat to a booster seat still helps the child remain safe, while riding comfortably in the booster seat.

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Q: What kind of ride does the Booster offer?
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Related questions

How tall do you have to be to ride without a booster?

at age five

How big must child be to ride in a booster seat in California?

in all states a child has to be 4foot nine to be out of a booster seat. they can be in a booster sear at any age.

How scary is the booster ride?

i have recently been on a booster ride at a funfair and i was wondering how fast it goes and how tall it is , also i would like to know how scary other people think it is. THANK YOU

How old does a child have to be to ride in a booster seat in Washington?

8 years old

Pa not ride in a booster seat?

I tried to get my pa to ride in the booster seat because he is gettin' kinda short in his old age but he just refuses. You think your 5-year old is stubborn? You ain't never dealt with pa.

How old does a child have to be to ride without a boosterseat?

A child has to be four - six years of age before being able to ride without a booster. It is weight dependant and most booster seats will tell you the maximum weight or age on the packaging.

What age can a child ride in a booster seat in the front seat in kansas?

10 years

What is a booster seat made of?

a booster seat is made out of plastic and a soft kind of material for comfort why did you want to know

How old does a child have to be to ride in a booster seat in Florida?

they have to be 12 years old

Why do 7 year olds not like booster seats?

They find it either A uncool B uncomfortable Many 7 yr olds that ride n booster seats are called babies and losers, making them 100% HATE the booster seat they are in. It makes them "Grown Up" being in a car without a booster seat.

Can a child ride in a car without a booster if there 5 years old if there tall for their age?

No, even though the kid is tAll there is still a big danger risk. They should always be in a booster or carseat.

What kind of deals do Costa Cruise offer?

Costa Cruises offers a variety of discounts available for most of their trips as long as you prepay online. They also offer a variety of kids ride free cruises.