The voluntary deductible is the amount of your deductible agreed too when you purchased your insurance coverage. It's considered voluntary because we can choose our deductibles. Of course, the lower the deductible, the higher the rate.
The deductible for bodily injury liability car insurance depends upon what you select. The deductible portion is not covered by the insurance policy and thus high deductible policies have a lower premium. Car insurance requirements also vary from state to state.
The deductible applies only to your insurance policy so you can not.
It can. Depends on the item & your deductible.
Read your contract, or talk to the branch where you rented the car. Usually a deductible only comes into play if you did not purchase insurance on the rental car and your own insurance policy is involved.
Yes, depending on what kind of policy you have.
THE POLICY HOLDER, WHO IS USUALLY THE OWNER OF THE TRUCK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEDUCTIBLE. If the truck driver is fully responsble for the accident, his insurance should pay for the damages to the car and there would be no deductible. If the car owner went through his coverage first to get repairs done, then the car owner is responsible for the deductible. Then the car owners insurance would go through subrugation to the truck drivers insurance to get full payment of the loss. When that is completed, the car owner would get his deductible returned to him.
No, You'll have to seek coverage for the Car under you Auto Insurance Policy. Now if the garage door was damaged then your Homeowners policy may fix it if it is below your deductible.
The premium is what you pay for the policy. The deductible is what the insurance company will not pay for what is covered. For example you buy a car policy for collision. You pay the premium of $50. If you crash the car, the company will not pay any thing less than the deductible. If the deductible was $1000 and you sustained $1500 damage, the company would pay you $500. If the damage was less than the deductible, you get nothing.
You do not pay a deductible for the car that you hit. Your liability coverage does not have a deductible.
Yes, if your policy has adequate coverage. If you have full coverage insurance, your car will be repaired completely and your portion of the repairs will be whatever your deductible is.