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Not sure if you meant over insured and under insured. Basically there is a provision in homeowners and condo owner policies called a Co-Insurance penatly if you are not insured to 80% of replacement cost (not market value) of the home. If you are insured less than the 80% (under insured), you will not get you complete coverage limit but a reduced amount.

Over insured is a little different. Lets say you insure your home at $100,000 and it would only cost $80,000 to replace. The insurance company would only pay the $80,000 but your premium paid was based on the $100,000 amount. If you are over insured, you will over pay for coverage. **Some states are "Valued Policy" states and you would get the full $100,000.

Just a quick answer, but I hoped it helped.

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Q: What is under insurance and over insurance?
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What is under insurance over insurance?

Under insurance is not carrying enough insurance to cover your assets in the even of a liability claim or not carrying enough insurance to satisfy your bank / lienholder. Over insurance is carrying more insurance than you need. This is more common with home insurance. For example, insuring a 1000 square foot house for 1,000,000, would be considered more insurance than you'd ever need.

The different between over- and under insurance?

i think that Over means ( above the thing but not touching it ) Under ( under the things ) , e.g : I put my leg under the table. i hope you a good time ;)

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