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Q: What is the worse thing you can put in a gas tank?
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Someone put an egg in my gas tank do I need to drop the gas tank?

Yes, get that thing out of there. It's gonna ruin your engine.

What is the best thing to put in a gas tank to destroy the car?

a lit match or something?

Is it ok to put unleaded gas in diesel tank?

No. Do not put unleaded gas in a diesel tank.

Where you put gas in the car?

Into the gas tank.

Kari is driving across the country The longer she drives after filling her gas tank the more gas she will have to put in next time she fills up?

The amount of gas Kari has to put in her tank is a function of how long she has driven since she last put gas in.

What happens if you put syrup in a gas tank?

pancake sryup is my gas tank, what do i do?

What to do if bad gas was put in car?

get it all out empty the fuel tank put good gas in the tank and crank it until it starts

What happens if you put glue in gas tank?

it really won't be good....but it depends on the type of glue some glue can cause worse problems then other types of glue...

What happens if you put ketchup in the gas tank?

if you put ketchup in your gas tank the car will not work appropriatlley because when u put gas the ketchup will probbaly pulg up the car

How much methyl hydrate do you use for a tank of gas?

You can put about a pint in a full tank of gas.

What happens if you put radiator flush in the gas tank?

You will likely need to drain the gas tank.

Is it safe to put isopropyl alcohol in my gas tank?

No, it is not safe to put isopropyl alcohol in your gas tank as it can damage your vehicle's engine and fuel system.