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In this state, your own company pays your hospital bills up to $10,000. The At Fault driver pays all costs above that amount. The at fault driver pays all costs above that amount. The at fault driver pays for all car repair bills.

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Q: What is the responsibility of the insurance company of the at fault driver with full coverage insurance in a no fault state?
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Can coverage on a non-owners auto insurance policy be extended to a company car that I drive?

No, Non Owners often referred to as Named Driver insurance never covers a company vehicle. It is the responsibility of your company to provide insurance for it's employees when driving a company vehicle.

You are injured in an auto accident in Virginia and the other driver is at fault do doctors have to bill your health insurance?

driver's insurance has coverage for a specific amount of medical coverage for injury and even death. check with the other driver to see the coverage and report it to the other driver's insurance company to find out the process to have the bills paid.

My parked car has full coverage and was hit by an uninsured driver?

tell your insurance company and the police and your insurance company will pay everything except the deductible. If you have full coverage than your insurance is required to make good on the damage. It is up to your insurance company to try and get their money back from the uninsured driver of the other vehicle.

Who pays if a driver does not have auto insurance but the passenger does?

for the driver - there will no coverage. For the passenger the same as well. It is your responsibility as a passenger, to be sure that the vehicle you are driving in is INSURED, always.

Which select auto insurance company is the best?

The best auto insurance company to use is defintely Allstate they offer driver rewards for safe driving and the best coverage that any driver can use.

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It is always the at-fault party's responsibility to pay for the damage they cause in an accident. Insurance is a transfer of risk from the driver to the insurance company, but if the coverage (collison) does not exist on the car, then the driver will be responsible to pay out of pocket for the damage.

Husband has accident with my car and he's on the insurance exclusion list?

When ever a driver is excluded on a policy, the insurance company will not pay out on any claims when that person is driving. Hes excluded, he has absolutely no coverage with your insurance. If he has his own policy with a different company, he will be covered. So in general when a driver is excluded, their is no insurance coverage. Its like he was driving without insurance.

Does drive other car coverage offer personal liability to driver of company vehicle?

No. Your personal auto Insurance Policy provides NO coverage for Company owned or commercial vehicles.

If you have full coverage insurance on your auto do you have to put a new teenage driver on your insurance or would this be automatically covered?

Yes, you have to ad them to your policy I would call the insurance company and offer the drivers licence number to ensure coverage. there is no sense in taking chances with today's insurance company's.

If you hit an unlicensed driver will your insurance pay for damages to his car?

This will depend on the type of insurance coverage. The insurance company can decide to go to court and argue that since the driver was uninsured, then they should not be liable for damages.

What can you do if you are involved in an accident was not your fault and the other driver has no insurance?

if you have collision coverage file under that then your company will subrogate the uninsured driver...if no collision coverage you can file a state report, and/or small claims action.....

What is the auto insurance for a Ferrari?

Depends on the driver's age & driving record, location, model, vehicle age, coverage and insurance company, and other factors.