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It varies from state to state.

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Q: What is the minimum amount of liability insurance for injury or death of one person a driver must have?
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The amount of liability a driver has to carry, is decided by the laws of the state in which they live.

Driver become subject to liability insurance law when accident damages amount to?

You are subject to liability insurance requirements whether or not an accident occurs. An accident has nothing to do with liability requirements. You are required to have liability insurance of at least the minimum required by your state before getting into a vehicle and driving it. Driving is what triggers the law.

Do you have to have insurance to have a drivers license?

To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance. To be a licenced driver in the United States, you must have Liability insurance.

A car with liability insurance only is borrowed and in an accident Car is totaled Whose insurance will cover?

When a car is borrowed (with permission) the insurance of the car owner is primary and the insurance of the driver is secondary. Here, the car owner has no coverage to pay for the damage to his/her own car, so the driver's liability insurance would cover the cost of the car. That is assuming the driver has liability insurance, if the driver doesn't have liability insurance, the car owner is stuck (unless he sues the driver).

What is the minimum amount of liability insurance for injury or death of one person does a driver must have in Texas?

The State of Texas has a minimum liability limits of 25/50/25 in order to drive in Texas. This limit of liability means that there would be $25,000 liability per person for bodily injury and a policy maximum of $50,000 per accident and $25,000 maximum payable for property damages per accident. The answer to your question is $25,000.

Is sr22 insurance provided by private insurance companies?

In the United States, an SR-22 is a vehicle liability insurance document used by some state Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offices. It provides proof that a driver has the minimum required liability insurance coverage for that particular state.

What type of insurance must every driver have in the state of NJ?

Liability Insurance

How much is liability insurance in Ohio?

It basically depends on the driver and the amount of liability coverage you need. You can get the state minimum or a little more depending on each persons situation (assets) I recently compared rates with, the cheapest liability coverage I found was just over $38 month. It really all comes down to your level of risk to thier pocket book.

Why is liability an especially important type of car insurance?

Liability insurance is an especially important type of car insurance because it covers damages that are your (the driver) fault.

What kind of liability car insurance can I get for a driver in Florida?

In Florida, there are two laws to consider when purchasing liability insurance. First is the Financial Responsibility Law and the second is the No Fault Law. You must meet state minimum requirements for both laws. Compare quotes for best prices.

If I have full coverage insurance but the car I was driving only had liability insurance will my insurance pay for damages?

Yes I think so since you were the driver. The insurance covers the driver and not necessarily the car.

What if your daughter has a car accident with your car?

This is actually a pretty complicated question. If you have insurance and your daughter is on your policy, you are covered. No worries. If you have insurance and your daughter has her own insurance, you are covered. If you have insurance and your daughter has no insurance, is not on your policy, and isn't part of your household, you are probably OK. Insurance will accept her as an alternate driver. If you have insurance and your daughter has no insurance and no license, you most likely have a rider on your insurance policy that says she is not a covered driver. You may be screwed. Depending on the state you live in, you may still have minimum liability and the other coverages may be void. If you have no insurance and your daughter doesn't either, you are screwed. The other driver and their insurance company will sue her (as driver) and you (as registered owner) and you are each jointly liable for the full amount of damage. With no insurance company to negotiate for you, you will be paying till it hurts.