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Q: What does California's Compulsory Financial Responsibility Law every driver must meet the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage which is?
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What are four vehicle insurance laws with which all drivers should be familiar?

Compulsory insurance, financial responsibility, assigned-risk plans, and no-fault insurance

What is California vehicle registration financial responsibility program?

The registration financial responsibility program requires that vehicles have proof of insurance(the financial responsibility) at all time. If you have a lapse in this coverage the insurance company can report you to the DMV in which case they suspend your registration.

Why it is compulsory to have vehicle insurance in India?

Compulsory insurance laws in any country, state or province are intended for the essentially same reason: to ensure that a party who is damaged or injured by the negligence of another has a source of financial recovery.

What if i have no car or car insurance?

It is illegal to drive without financial responsibility.

What will the DMV accept as proof of financial responsibility?

"Financial responsibility" in DMV-speak, has nothing to do with how much money YOU have. It is a reference to a valid auto insurance policy issued in your name.

What will DMV accept as proof of financial responsibility?

"Financial responsibility" in DMV-speak, has nothing to do with how much money YOU have. It is a reference to a valid auto insurance policy issued in your name.

You hit a car without car insurance?

If You hot a car and you do not have insurance to cover the damages you Caused. You can still meet your financial responsibility and legal obligations by paying for all the damages you caused yourself out of pocket. This is what the financial responsibility is all about.

What is the Distinction between compulsory and non compulsory insurance?

differentiate between complusory and non-compulsory insurance and examples of each

If you didn't want to carry an insurance policy what is the financial responsibility you would need to have?


What is auto insurance based on?

All insurance is based on the principle of "Indemnity". Regulatory wise often refers to "Financial Responsibility".

Do all states require auto insurance?

Financial ResponsibilityAll 50 states require Financial Responsibility whenever your vehicle is operated on Public Roads. Buying Auto Insurance is not the only way to meet your financial obligations. Most states will allow you to post a bond or self insure as another means of metting your Financial Responsibility Requirements.

Is it illegal to drive in US without a liability insurance?

No, in the United States it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle on public roads without proof of "Financial Responsibility".A motor vehicle liability insurance policy is only one of several means by which to meet our financial responsibility requirements.