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The standard state license plate (without a frame) measures 12 inches wide by 6 inches high.

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form_title= License Plate Search form_header= Find the license plate you are looking for. What state are you searching for?*= _ What is the license plate number?*= _ Is this for a non-commercial vehicle?*= () Yes () No

Who invented the license plate?

Who invented the license plate?

Chevy Tahoe's license plate bulb?

A Chevy Tahoe's license plate bulb can be used to light up the license plate. In the dark the license's plate will still be visible.

What do you need in order to get a license plate sticker?

a license plate

What is the governors license plate number?

the governors license plate is 0001000

Do you have to have a front license plate?

In Virginia you do have a front license plate, but in Florida they do not.

license plate look up?

license plate look up

free license plate lookup?

free license plate lookup

Do you need a license plate for a bicycle?

No, you do not need a license plate for a bicycle.

Could you inform me about how to find license plate number?

If you lose a license plate or plates and need the license plate number, you can look up your license plate number even if you no longer physically have your own.

Change a license plate light on a98 lesabre?

Remove 1. Bolts retaining license plate lamp to bumper. 2. Socket from license plate lamp. 3. License plate lamp. 4. Bulb from socket. Install or Connect 1. New bulb to socket. 2. Socket to license plate lamp. 3. License plate lamp. 4. Bolts to retain license plate lamp to bumper.

Are you allowed to cover the expiration date on your license plate with a license plate frame?

No,You Are Not.