If you lose a license plate or plates and need the license plate number, you can look up your license plate number even if you no longer physically have your own.
the governors license plate is 0001000
No, most companies will not require your license plate number.
form_title= License Plate Search form_header= Find the license plate you are looking for. What state are you searching for?*= _ What is the license plate number?*= _ Is this for a non-commercial vehicle?*= () Yes () No
license card
If you would like to find the owner of a car that a license plate belongs to you would need to contact law enforcement. If you could do that for someone then they could do it for you and would you want someone accessing your personal information with just your license plate number? Only law enforcement and the DMV have access to those files.
The license plate has number and says The first state. Why it has a number so that the police can find you if you did something bad.
I would have thought that only the DMV or police could do it, but I was wrong... there are several sites that would allow you to do that. Here are a few to kick you off: http://www.docusearch.com/license-plate-search-how-to-search-license-plate-numbers-online.html http://search.dmv.org/DMV/license-plate-number http://www.prweb.com/releases/2011/12/prweb9007081.htm
the plate number / license plate is 'une plaque d'immatriculation' in French.
presidents license plate number is 0001000
No there will be additional charge for getting your license plate changed
What fuse number is the License Plate on a 2003 Ford Winstar Van LX
Contact the Department of Motor Vehicles, and be prepared to explain WHY you have a need to look up a license plate number.