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Standard Homeowners Policy Verses All Risk Policies

Most Homeowners Insurance Policies are "Named Risk". They list all the covered perils for which the Insurance company will offer coverage. So If It is not on the list, It basically is not covered.

An All Risk Policy is just the opposite. It lists all the perils that are "not" covered, On these policies if it is not on the list, then it "is" covered.


A named perils policy only covers perils listed in the policy. For example, a named perils policy will usually cover an accidental fire loss at your home because fire is listed as a covered peril. However, lets say you have a water loss at your home when a water line breaks. If water loss is not listed as a covered peril under your policy, then you will have to pay for the damage yourself, which can be expensive. For a named peril policy you need to look at the the policy to see what perils are covered.

On the other hand, an all risk policy will cover any peril unless its specifically excluded under your policy. An all risk policy provides you more coverage than a named peril policy. For an all risk policy you will look to the Exclusions section of the policy to determine what is not covered. In the water loss example above, unless water losses are specifically excluded under the policy, the loss is covered.

An all risk policy will cost you more in premiums, but is worth the price.

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Q: What is the difference between a Named perils insurance policy and an All risk insurance policy?
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Not sure if this is what you meant to ask but the "open perils" insurance policy covers every peril or type of damage except for what is listed in the "exclusions" section of the policy. Most perils are "named peril" policies which only cover the perils that are listed in the policy.

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That would depend on your insurance policy. Te covered perils are listed in your policy package under the heading "Covered Perils". You could review your coverage with you Insurance Agent for clarification.

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Your Homeowners insurance policy will pay for damages that result from the covered perils specified on your insurance policy subject to the policy limits and any deductibles listed therein.

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If you take a look at the "Exclusions" section of your policy you will see several perils which are specifically excluded. For example, if your home is damaged by "war" then your insurance company will not provide coverage for the loss. There are several excluded perils. Take a look at your policy for more examples.

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Depends on the policy. You need to look under Perils Insured Against in your policy.

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Usually not. Check your policy for Perils Insured Against, and Exceptions. Call your insurance company. If they say it is not covered, ask where it says that in the policy.

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Can House Insurance be cancelled because of hoarding?

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