A gas saving device for freeway speeds when running empty or light.
Trucks are used for carrying supplies and to just drive.
no trucks dont run over your feet...they drive over them..
Should be on at all times ..unless u are towing or caring a heavy pay load
Yes, my son used to drive it
Yes They can. They just have a higher Toll
Jon Lancaster Used Cars‎ carries trucks too. They are at 3501 Lancaster Drive, Madison, WI‎ - (608) 243-5550‎
Binman drive garbage trucks.
Truck drivers typically drive vehicles larger than cars, such as semi-trucks, tractor-trailers, or delivery trucks. These vehicles are used to transport goods and materials over long distances.
Monster trucks are small pickup trucks, which have been fitted with enourmous dump truck wheels. They take part in races. They drive over large obstacles, including cars, crushing them as flat as pancakes.
Yes -- either that or there are an awful lot of trucks breaking the law and getting away with it. Trucks can't drive on are parkways but expressways are fine.
In the US at least half the people drive trucks, so some of them must own logging companies. Owners of very small logging companies might actually drive trucks at work.