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Yes They can. They just have a higher Toll

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Q: Can trucks drive over the Tappan Zee Bridge?
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Tappan Zee Bridge-truck tolls?

Yes trucks can go over the Tapan Zee

How much does is cost to go over the tappan zee bridge?

I believe the toll is currently $20 for a 5 axle truck on Tappan Zeee(vs $30 on the GW Bridge)

Why do bridges deteriorate?

Some bridges deteriorate due to weather and because so many trucks and cars drive over it and it creates stress on the bridge

Do trucks going 40 mph hurt if they run over your foot?

no trucks dont run over your feet...they drive over them..

Can you drive over rainbow bridge into canada?

Yes you can I was at the Falls recently and you definitely can.

What is the 2010 tappan zee bridge toll?

assuming the RV is over 7' 6" in height and 2 axles, with nothing it tow- $14.25 as of Jan 2009

Why do people depends on the Golden Gate Bridge?

People depend on the golden gate bridge because you could drive over the bridge to the other side of the bridge that is why people depend on the golden gate bridge.

What is over drive used for in trucks?

A gas saving device for freeway speeds when running empty or light.

How do you go from Stockholm to Hamburg without using a ferry at Denmark?

You drive over the Øresundsbridge, the Great belt bridge and the lillebælt bridge.

Can you drive to Sweden from Switzerland?

Yes.You would drive over the Øresund bridge from Sweden to Denmark, and then through Denmark and Germany.

Can you drive over the London bridge?

Yes it is used by thousands of vehicles every day.

Which trucks crush cars?

Monster trucks are small pickup trucks, which have been fitted with enourmous dump truck wheels. They take part in races. They drive over large obstacles, including cars, crushing them as flat as pancakes.