The word "Omologato" is Italian for "Approved". The term is generally associated with the "GTO" nomenclature, created by Ferrari, which stands for "Gran Tourismo Omologato" or "Grand Touring Approved" for FIA GT classes.
grand trismo Omlogato.
GTO = Gran Tourismo Omlogato Italian name actually stolen (borrowed?) from Ferrari.
Gran Turismo Omologato , or for Pontiac fans, "GTO", is a term used in Italian sports car racing and classification. It means that a sufficient number of particular sports cars were manufactured and sold to allow it to be raced in sanctioned sports car races and classes. For example, in some classes, 500 cars needed to be produced for it to be legal to be raced. This is meant to keep a manufacturer from just making one or two highly tuned cars and monopolizing the racing classes. "Omologato" in English is "homologated", which simply means "officially recognized".