Comprehensive auto insurance coverage covers the different types of events or accidents cause by falling objects, animals, extreme weather, theft, vandalism or riots. But it does not apply to any types of accidents with other cars.
if your full coverage includes comprehensive coverage then yes, Auto theft is covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy.
Usually there is a deductible on comprehensive coverage auto insurance. The deductible can range in different amounts usually from 0 to $1000 or even higher if it is a very expense vehicle.
It would normally be part of the comprehensive coverage.
Options available with auto insurance are Liability, Medical coverage, Collision and comprehensive coverage, and Uninsured motorist coverage.SK(APEX)
Yes, if you have comprehensive coverage.
Yes it does, through their comprehensive insurance coverage.
It is important for comprehensive insurance coverage to be listed on a free auto insurance quote, so a person can get an accurate quote. A person would not want to expect to pay one amount and have to pay more.
Typically, homeowners insurance expressly excludes auto-related losses. Therefore, the auto comprehensive coverage should apply.
No. Comprehensive coverage on the auto does that.
Your auto insurance will cover the damage to your vehicle if you have comprehensive coverage. The Comprehensive portion of your auto insurance covers damage resulting from an act of nature.
Comprehensive physical damage coverage
It's called Collision coverage and is usually purchased along with Comprehensive coverage when you buy your auto insurance. If you purchased the collision coverage option when you bought your auto insurance policy it will be covered.AnswerThird party car insurance.