Holding your foot just above the brake pedal,
In case you need to brake.
Covering the brake is putting your foot over the brake pedal without touching it. Riding the brake is actually putting pressure on the brake pedal.
Hovering your foot over the brake without actually pressing on the brake
Its called "covering"
Hovering your foot over the brake without actually pressing on the brake
Covering the brake
Somebody who "rides" the brake is constantly applying pressure to the brake pedal with their foot. People who tailgate ride their brake alot. "Covering" the brake is a form of defensive driving. For example, while proceeding through a traffic light, you would want to take your foot off of the gas pedal and place it just above the brake pedal (without applying pressure) to decrease your reaction time in case you need to brake suddenly.
you have to take off the panel that is covering around the brake and then you will see the brake light switch on the front side of the brake you can just simply turn it left or right and that will adjust it
If you look on the cap covering the master cylinder it will list the correct fluid.
The fuse for the brake lights on a 1996 Dakota is located in the fuse box on the driver's side dash. Open the driver's door to access the panel covering the fuse box. The brake light fuse is at location 19/20 in this fuse box.
A Manufactuers Warranty covering vehicle service and routine maintenance will typically cover brake pads during the warranty period. Most auto parts stores also offer free replacement warranties on brake pads purchased through them.
It is the point of the road when you make the decision to keep going while covering the brake. Knowing that the green light is soon going to change yellow.