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Covering the brake

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Q: When the driver moves his foot from the gas pedal to a positi?
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When the driver moves his foot from the gas pedal to a position just over or just lightly resting on the break pedal for anticipation for a sudden stop?

It is called

Car run but not move unless you play with gas pedal?

yes, when you put your foot on the gas pedal the car moves. that's why the pedal is there

Is there an audio fuse by the driver foot pedal of a Mazda rx8?


Is the heel of the driver's foot at the bottom of the accelerator pedal?

If using the pedal, the heel will be on the floor at the base of the pedal. When driving, the foot has to be on the accelerator in order to move. When slowing or preparing to stop, the heel should be away from the pedal, poised to move to the brake. On cars with automatic transmissions, some drivers will leave their right foot above the accelerator while using the left foot to brake. There are both advantages and disadvantages to dual foot use, depending on the skill and experience of the driver. This is normally discouraged by driver education.

In vehicles equipped with ABS the driver's foot must remain firmly on the to activate the ABS.?

break pedal ^-^

In vehicles equipped with ABS the driver's foot must remain firmly on the to activate the ABS?

break pedal ^-^

What tattoo foot pedal is best to use?

LINEMASTER Premier Foot Pedal

Is there a foot pedal control for PlayStation 2?

There is no foot pedal for the actual console; however there are PSP2 games that require a foot pedal like the drums for RockBand.

How do you know when the Master Cylinder is going out?

Start the engine. Place you foot on the brake pedal, and press fairly hard and hold the pedal down. If the pedal very slowly, moves toward the floor any at all, the master cylinder is defective. Replace it immediately!!!!!

How do you brake down the number 32?

Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.Take your foot off the gas and move it to the pedal on its side - the brake pedal.

How do you use break and break in a sentence?

As a result of the accident, the driver stepped on the brake pedal so hard that he had a some bones break in his foot.

How do use break and brake in a sentence?

As a result of the accident, the driver stepped on the brake pedal so hard that he had a some bones break in his foot.