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This is a general description; your policy or your insurance agent will be able to provide exact definitions of what is and isn't covered. Collision coverage means exactly what it says. It covers the cost to repair or replace your vehicle when it is moving and involved in a crash: colliding with another vehicle, hitting a stationary object, etc. Comprehensive covers most of the remaining ways your vehicle can get damaged: A tree falling on your vehicle, hail damage, flood damage, vandalism, someone crashing into your parked vehicle, etc.

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Q: What is comprehensive coverage?
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When is a car comprehensively insured?

Comprehensive is a type of coverage you can add to an automobile policy. Comprehensive coverage is a physical damage coverage that includes damage to your vehicle that is not included in collision coverage. Collision coverage is damage done when you hit something or turn the vehicle over. Comprehensive includes fire, theft, vandalism, and animal collision. You can have comprehensive without collision but not collision without comprehensive.

Does full coverage insurance cover theft?

if your full coverage includes comprehensive coverage then yes, Auto theft is covered under the comprehensive portion of your auto insurance policy.

What is included in travel trailer insurance?

Comprehensive coverage and coverage for any accessories attached to the trailer are included in travel trailer insurance. Comprehensive coverage includes sudden and accidental losses.

What is the meaning of comprehensive coverage?

Comprehensive insurance coverage is basically complete coverage of a vehicle. It helps pay for losses due to theft, fire, or any other losses not coming form a collision.

What happens if I have no collision coverage but hit a deer?

Then you are in luck !! If you have comprehensive coverage, because that is the coverage that covers an animal hit.

Who pays for your stolen vehicle?

If you have comprehensive coverage on your vehicle, that is the coverage that will pay for your stolen vehicle.

What do you mean by comprehensive coverage?

COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE Auto insurance for the purpose of covering the cost of repair or replacement of the insured's car in case of damage caused by something other than an accident. Comprehensive coverage often requires the payment of a deductible when a claim is made. Comprehensive may be required to qualify for a new car loan.

What are the average Georgia car insurance prices for comprehensive coverage?

For comprehensive coverage, you should expect to pay around $850 in Georgia. This is about the average rate in the U.S.

If I don't have collision insurance will insurance company fix my car?

It depends upon the type of damage and the cause of it; some physical damage is covered by the comprehensive coverage of an auto policy. For example, glass breakage and vandalism is normally covered by the comprehensive coverage. All of that said, collision and comprehensive coverages are generally offered and purchased in tandem. Therefore, if one does not have collision coverage, there is a good chance that there is no comprehensive coverage.

Does auto insurance cover stolen cars?

Auto insurance will cover the theft of your vehicle if you maintain comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage is generally sold in conjunction with collision coverage. However, unless there exists a lender that requires collision/comprehensive coverage, it is usually not mandated by law as it is considered "first-party" coverage (designed to protect the owner only). Comprehensive coverage also applies to the theft of belongings in the vehicle if they were permanently affixed to the vehicle. For example, if you have an after- market stereo system and sub-woofer that is stolen from your vehicle, it is covered under comprehensive coverage. However, if you leave your purse in the car and it is stolen, it is not covered because it is not permanently affixed to the vehicle.

Does Comprehensive coverage cover a tree fall?


Coverage if your car fallw through ice?

Yes, under the comprehensive coverage if you have it. No, if it is liability only.