Auto insurance will cover the theft of your vehicle if you maintain comprehensive coverage. Comprehensive coverage is generally sold in conjunction with collision coverage. However, unless there exists a lender that requires collision/comprehensive coverage, it is usually not mandated by law as it is considered "first-party" coverage (designed to protect the owner only). Comprehensive coverage also applies to the theft of belongings in the vehicle if they were permanently affixed to the vehicle. For example, if you have an after- market stereo system and sub-woofer that is stolen from your vehicle, it is covered under comprehensive coverage. However, if you leave your purse in the car and it is stolen, it is not covered because it is not permanently affixed to the vehicle.
Auto insurance is for cars not for people. You can buy insurance on yourself so contact any insurance agent.
NO, Homeowners Insurance covers Homes. Auto Insurance covers cars. Home insurance polices do not provide coverage for personal auto regardless of who owns them or where they are parked.
No, unfortunately it does not. Your homeowners insurance covers damage to your home. Your auto insurance covers damage to your car.
No. Homeowners insurance doe snot provide coverage for automobiles manufactured for use on public roads. That's what Auto Insurance is for.
I was told by a State Farm Agent that they do not cover rental cars in Puerto Rico.
Commercial Auto Coverage is insurance that covers vehicles owned and operated for business use. A fleet of company cars, service trucks, etc. Personal Auto Coverage is insurance that covers vehicles for individuals and families.
Yes there is in fact auto insurance available for classic cars. Hagerty Insurance is a great brand to get this insurance. Grundy Insurance is a great option as well.
Non Owners auto insurance does not cover rental cars at all. You will need to buy insurance from the rental car company to be covered.
in the US Your sons need seperate auto insurance for their cars, as no Insurance Co. will oblige you with the said proposal. In the UK there are several insurance companies that have multi-car and famly policies to cover just this situation.
No, Homeowners insurance does not cover damages to your automobile. Your home insurance policy is property insurance for the specified structures and real property listed on the policy. Cars are not listed as covered property on your home insurance policy, that's what auto insurance is for.
Rental cars are insured. You can not rent a car without insurance. The insurance will cover the theft so long as the renter is not found to have been involved in the disappearance of the vehicle.
All car insurance companies cover vehicles ranging from cars, trucks, to vans. A reliable auto insurance is Allstate. State Farm and Progressive are more expensive alternatives.