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A good place to start in figuring out what amount of bodily injury liability is to look at your net worth. Remember you can be sued easily for hurting someone in an auto accident. I personally think no one should have less than 50/100/50 liability coverage. If you own a home you should have 100/300 or more. Really you should ask your agent to assist you with this question. If you look at the difference in cost for increased liability it is quite small. Most claims come in the smaller amounts so most of the cost is put into the lower levels of liability cost. To increase it is very inexpensive.

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Q: What is a good limit to have for bodily injury car insurance?
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What insurance covers bodily injury?

In order for one to have insurance cover bodily injury one would have to have bodily injury insurance. This is good insurance to have as it would cover injuries to any persons that one injures in an accident. This liability insurance would cover any amount one is obligated to pay for injuries sustained and related costs.

What kind of insurance would be good for a snowmobile?

For someone who owns a snowmobile a good insurance would be Progressive snowmobile insurance. You should probably get the bodily injury and property damage liability.

Does arbella insurance provide good coverage?

Arbella provides personal insurance coverage including homeowners, fire, watercraft, bodily injury, or property damage. It also offers business insurance for business owners, automobiles, and crime.

Will your insurance company pay for an at fault driver with no insurance if you have underinsured insurance?

Yes! Good thing you bought this extra coverage. Its actually uninsured motorists and underinsured motorists. It also depends on how much you bought. I hope you also have uninsured motorists property damage, because you have to buy bodily injury and property damage separately.

If you have uninsured motorist insurance and a hit and run driver hits your car will your insurance fix your car?

First, be sure that you have property damage coverage under your uninsured motorist as well as bodily injury. Then, be sure that you have filed a police report. If you have both of these things, there is a good chance you have coverage, but the final determination is up to the company.

Child gets non-owners auto insurance on parent's car are they required to also carry insurance?

It depends on the State in which the vehicle is registered and insured. A Named Non Owner cover only liability: Bodily Injury and Property Damage to a third party. I believe the parents would need to purchasea policy with Comprehensive, Collision and Medical Payments in addition to the NNO policy. Simply call your Insurance Agent and find out! Good Luck!

Statute of limitation for bodily injury claim in Washington?

The state of limitations for an auto claim in Washington State is 3 years from the Date of Loss. If the claim is a result of an uninsured motorist, then the statute is updated to 6 years. If there is an injury claim for a minor child, then the Statute would be 3 years from the date that the child turns 18 (the 21st birthday).

How to Find Cheaper Auto Insurance in Nevada?

Nevada is a tort state, and this means that drivers can sue another person that hits them and causes injuries to them or damages to their property. To prepare for this eventuality, people need to have liability insurance. This coverage is what will pay the bills of the people that are injured or have property damaged. The fact is that this coverage is also mandatory in the state of Nevada.Only Purchase the Required Liability CoverageNevadans who want to find cheaper auto insurance can opt to keep their coverage to a minimum. Drivers do this by only purchasing the type of auto insurance that is required in Nevada, bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Auto insurance companies also sell optional coverage that is not required that will pay their own bills if they cause a collision, but purchasing this coverage will increase their rates.Only Purchase Liability Coverage in the Required AmountsWhen Nevadans do purchase their liability coverage, they will want to purchase it only in the amounts that are required by the state. In this case, they would need bodily injury liability that would apply toward one person's medical bills in the amount of $15,000. If several people were hurt in the accident, Nevada requires that drivers have $30,000 bodily injury liability to cover everyone's medical bills. For property damaged in the crash, Nevadans need to have $10,000 to cover the repair or replacement bills.Auto insurance companies give their clients the option of purchasing bodily injury and property damage liability coverage in higher amounts, but this will not keep their rates at their lowest levels. They will want to purchase the limits outlined above, and they will have cheaper auto insurance in Nevada.Maintain a Good Driving RecordFinding cheaper auto insurance is much easier in Nevada if the drivers have good driving records. This would mean that they do not have any infractions on their records for DUI arrests or convictions, and they do not have several points on their records for moving violations. They also have not caused several accidents. These are the good drivers, and they are entitled to the cheapest auto insurance rates.

I got injured at work but the CA workers comp system is awful. I have good medical insurance. Is it better to collect workers comp or to file short term disability and pay your own doctor's bills?

In CA your only recourse for an injury on the job is Workers Comp. Your medical insurance can not pay for expenses related to your injury at work. Asking them to do so and not disclosing that the injury occurred at work is insurance fraud.

What is the minimum liability required for car insurance in California?

California's Compulsory Financial Responsibility Law requires every driver and owner of a motor vehicle to be financially responsible for their actions. The statutory minimum limits of liability auto insurance in California are 15/30/5 which breaks down as follows: Bodily Injury for $15,000 for death or injury of any one person, any one accident and $30,000 for all persons in any one accident. Property Damage of $5,000 for any one accident. When your car is in an accident for which you are found legally liable, bodily injury (BI) liability covers your liability to others for injuries to them. Property damage (PD) liability covers your liability for damage to someone else's property. All California drivers and owners must have at least the statutory limits of minimum liability insurance or an approved alternative way to pay for injury or property damage they may cause. Penalties are very severe for non-compliance with this section of the vehicle code. for more knowledge, you can contact to a good insurance company like Raisinsurance.

What are the names of some companies that offer property and casualty insurance?

State farm offers property insurance. Mutual of Omaha is good at personal injury insurance. Look around for a company that will provide all of the services that you are going to be paying for.

What is contractor liability insurance?

Contractors Liability Insurance is actually a form of Commercial General Liability (CGL)insurance tailored for the construction contractors market. CGL provides insurance for your company in the event you cause property damage and/or bodily injury to a third party. (i.e., your customer or an innocent third party) CGL comes in different forms with different coverage It is essential to match yours coverage needs with your work risk exposure. A good insurance professional can help you with this. NOTE Liability insurance does not cover poor workmanship, tools or injury to employees.