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It depends on the State in which the vehicle is registered and insured. A Named Non Owner cover only liability: Bodily Injury and Property Damage to a third party. I believe the parents would need to purchasea policy with Comprehensive, Collision and Medical Payments in addition to the NNO policy. Simply call your Insurance Agent and find out! Good Luck!

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Q: Child gets non-owners auto insurance on parent's car are they required to also carry insurance?
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Are parents liable if their 20 year old college student gets in a crash while away at college driving a car registered to the parents?

The the child has the car, than the child should be on the parents, or whoever owned the car, insurance. This is required in all states.

Does a 25years old child have to be required on parents auto insurance?

If the 25 years old is a regular driver of the vehicle and especially if they live in the same household, then yes, they need to be listed on the parent's insurance.

Can a father paying child support be forced to supply health insurance for the child?

If you are capable of providing health insurance for your child and the other parent can not for what ever reason then yes, you can be required to provide coverage. Child support is supposed to be support to cover the expenses for the child divided between the parents. Clearly the child needs a health insurance. The cost can be a part of the child support or be added. Both parents have a obligation to make sure the child can get care. Usually child support only covers a smaller part of what a child's expenses are, not 50/50. Each state has child support guidelines that take health insurance costs into consideration.

Do divorcees have to pay child support until 26 under obamacare?

Obamacare does not discuss child support. I suppose that it's possible that non-custodial parents might be required to pay health insurance until age 26; however, child support, child custody and related issues such as health insurance are determined by the States.

Can you keep the health insurance you get from your parents if you get married?

It depends on the insurance company, but I personally have never known of a company that would allow a parent to continue to carry insurance on a child after that child married, because at that point, you are no longer a 'dependant' of your parents.

Di single parents required to pay child support?

Most single parents do not pay child support. The absent parent pays the child support.

If teenager isn't on insurance are they covered by parents policy?

NO, All drivers are required to carry insurance and be scheduled on an auto insurance policy. if he's not on the policy then he is not a covered driver. Although your company may be required to pay for an accident in which your uninsured teenager is involved. they would not be paying because he was covered, but rather they would have to pay due to the parents negligence in failing to obtain proper insurance for their teenage child and because they allowed the uninsured child to drive the vehicle. The insurer is often liable to pay for the negligence of the insured. Don't confuse this though with an assumption that the uninsured child was somehow covered simply because the insurer had to pay.

How old can a child be and stay on parents health insurance?

It depends, I am 20 and still on my parents insurance, But i am also a full time student. I also have to say that I am still living in my parents home.

Will a new spouse have to pay child support in the state of WA?

Only biological parents are required to support their children.Only biological parents are required to support their children.Only biological parents are required to support their children.Only biological parents are required to support their children.

If a 17-year-old has his own insurance in North Carolina will his parents' insurance premiums go up?

That depends on weather or not your 17 year old has their insurance on the parents policy. It will go up if the child is on the parents policy, but if the child has their own policy, it won't. But it will be cheaper if the child is added on to the parents policy. My husband is a North Carolina State Trooper so I know alot about insurance. Also, call around and go online for the cheapest rates.

Do you have to pay for a child's insurance?

Yes, if required by court order or state law.

If a child has insurance on one of the parents cars but drives the other parents car is she still insured?

No, the child needs to drive the other car. No, the child needs to drive the other car.