A choke is usually a knob or lever that is usually used when starting the car. It manipulates the choke valve on the carburetor to create a richer air to fuel ratio, thus making it easier to start.
If car is fuel injected (which I assume it is) it does not have a choke
Choke, in car terms, is adjusting how much air flows into the engine.
If your car is shaking while it is idling, it is most likely your automatic choke. The automatic choke is not operating correctly but if you remove the choke and put a lubricant on it, it should stop shaking.
If the car has fuel injection you cannot use a choke. however if the car has a carburetor without a automatic choke that is when add a manual choke cable to the carburetor choke flap. When you pull the choke flap closed it limits the air flow to the engine allowing for the engine to warm up so so it can atomize the fuel for the engine to run more efficiently. This is important in cold weather you almost always have to use a choke to start the engine.
Until the engine will run without the choke being pulled.
Older vehicles with a carburetor have a choke to aid in cold starts. The choke would be part of the carburetor. If it was to be stuck on the engine would flood and not start. Newer vehicles (mid 80's and up) are fuel injected and do not use the "choke" as such. It is done electronicly.
hi . my question is ? why if run the motor car he not work the automatic choke after 5 minte he work , & after 40 minte if the rang the heat up inthe car hew is stop
In cars with a carburetor the choke is used to help start the engine when could. Engaging the choke closes a flap which reduces the amount of air in the fuel mixture when the engine is started.
your car does not have a choke like in the old days. THE COMPUTER SETS THE AIR TO FUEL TO START THE ENGINE.
In a car it's the choke.
If you have an older car that has a carburetor, the accelerator pump diaphragm may be defective