DP Stands for Dwelling Policy. Usually a DP type policy is used to cover rental properties.
Landlords need a special type of insurance. When you live in the same property as your tenant, you need "unit rented to others" coverage. When you are renting out a second home, you need to let your insurance company know. Homeowner's insurance is considered a DP-1 policy, which will pay the depreciated value of something, and DP-3 which will pay the replacement value of something, at today's values.
You can buy insurance on whether or not it will rain tomorrow. This is just to show that you can insure anything. Now for your question. I'm not sure I completely understand it. You cannot insure something that you don't own so if you mean can you insure a home that you are paying rent to live in then no. You can purchase a homeowners policy to insure your contents inside the home as well as your liability should you be sued by someone hurt on the property. This would be an HO-4 policy form. If you are asking if you can insure a home you are renting to someone else for them to live in then the answer is also yes. You would need a dwelling fire policy that stipulates it is tenant occupied which can be a DP-1, DP-2, or DP-3 depending on the condition of the property and the coverage you desire. You will also want to make sure you endorse the policy to provide liability coverage as well and to cover any property inside the home that you own.
Home insurance is a policy that protects your home and belongings from damage or theft, while mortgage insurance is a policy that protects the lender in case you default on your mortgage payments.
Cancel the forced insurance policy and add terms and conditions to your homeowner policy.
No, Homeowners insurance does not cover damages to your automobile. Your home insurance policy is property insurance for the specified structures and real property listed on the policy. Cars are not listed as covered property on your home insurance policy, that's what auto insurance is for.
You can insure a Baldwin Organ if it holds value to your home in your home insurance policy. You have to make sure that the policy covers not only that, but other valuables within your home.
Homeowners insurance typically does not cover a home business. Additional insurance, such as a business owner's policy or a commercial insurance policy, may be needed to protect a home-based business.
Yes is my answer, because home insurance policy can be shifted
There is no such thing as a comprehensive homeowners policy. What you are probably thinking of is a HO policy or Homeowners policy. Their are 2 common policy's sold that are homeowners. One is an HO-3 and the other is an HO-5. These policy's provide a wide range of coverages compared to just a DP-1 or DP-3 policy. DP is a dwelling fire policy. This provides just very basic perils on a policy. Pretty much it just covers wind, fire, weather, and a few other basic things. Mark Owner of Denvers Insurance
If it is your home, just look at your insurance policy. It will always tell you the name of your insurance company.
No. Vehicles are covered under an Auto Insurance Policy, Not a Home Insurance Policy.
Usually flood insurance is a separate policy, for mobile homes or any other kind of home. Check the details of your policy, but normally flood insurance requires a separate policy or rider.