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PIP is personal injury protection, so PIP auto insurance is a protection that benefits you and/or any passengers if any are to be injured in a vehicle accident. In some places, this coverage is considered as optional.

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Q: What is PIP auto insurance about?
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Related questions

What are some good PIP car insurance companies?

Some good PIP car insurance companies include Triple A auto insurance, Farmer's Auto insurance and Geico car insurance as well. All are pretty great, so just shop around.

Does Colorado require PIP?

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) Coverage is required for all Colorado auto insurance policies.

Which companies in Pennsylvania offer PIP car insurance?

their are many companies which offer pip car insurance you can even get it insured online for detailed information try this :

Is PIP car insurance available in Florida?

Yes, PIP or personal injury protection is available everywhere through your auto insurance carrier. Most people opt for $1000-2000 in coverage.

If you don't have PIP on your auto insurance and you are at fault will your health insurance cover your medical costs?

Yes, if you provide them with proof of non coverage.

What is PIP insurance?

It is an acronym for Personal Injury Protection Insurance, or PIP insurance.

Are there any companies in Arizona that offer only PIP auto inusurance?

There are several companies in AZ that offer PIP insurance. Check out for some great rates.

Do they sell pip car insurance in Virginia?

They do sell Personal Injury Protection coverage plans in Virginia, but it is not mandatory. Therefore, if you want to buy PIP auto insurance, be prepared to pay a premium over plans without it.

Does your insurance pay PIP for passangers involved in auto accident?

This will be determined by the state laws and your policy. In Georgia, for example, a civil attorney looking for an office, promised to reduce auto insurance rates by 15%. Since he had no real knowledge about insurance, business, or much anything else, all he did to reduce rates was to do away with PIP Coverage which was a valuable coverage. By wiping out PIP coverage he reduced the rates but forgot to tell people about the loss of coverage.

Is it illegal to drive without auto insurance in Florida?

Yes all vehicles registered must have current insurance with a minimum of 10,000 PIP and $10,000 PDL.

What is covered on pip insurance in Ohio?

Coverage on PIP insurance in Ohio can be offered by the insurers if PIP insurance is chosen. PIP can may help pay for medical expenses for passengers and the primary driver.

Why would you be charged more for pl pd if you don't have any medical insurance?

I think you are referring to PIP coverage? There may be some states that surcharge if you do not have medical insurance as PIP pays for injuries, or death in an auto accident. Most states and insurance companies offer a discount if you do have medical insurance as your medical insurance can also pay for your injuries. Many PIP policies only pay a % of injuries up to a maximum of $10,000.