

What insurance would cover Mesotherpy?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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None. This is a fancy name for dieting and weight-loss.

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Q: What insurance would cover Mesotherpy?
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It would cover you under your Buildings insurance

If you fall in your house does your insurance cover you?

It would depend on the reason for your fall, but most likely your insurance would not cover you for that.

Does full coverage cover if your car breaks down?

It depends what the insurance was taken out for. Accident insurance would not cover this, but extended warranty or breakdown cover would.

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There are numerous possible examples of things that business insurance would cover. Business insurance will cover things such as property damage and work casualties.

Does the insurance cover transportation from one hospital to another?

Depending on what kind of insurance you have most health insurance companies would cover this cost.

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Medigap insurance is used to cover the areas where Medicare does not cover. Medigap can be purchased with a private insurance company.

Does my homeowners insurance cover a neighbors dog attacking my dog?

Not usually. The neighbor's homeowners insurance would cover it underneath their liability insurance.

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Each insurance contract and company will cover different things and I do not know who you are with but they normally would not.

What insurance covers bodily injury?

In order for one to have insurance cover bodily injury one would have to have bodily injury insurance. This is good insurance to have as it would cover injuries to any persons that one injures in an accident. This liability insurance would cover any amount one is obligated to pay for injuries sustained and related costs.

Does optical insurance cover disposable contact lenses?

If you were to purchase optical insurance, you would have to pay an increased rate for a preexisting condition. However, the optical insurance would cover the cost of of the lenses.

What types of insurance cover would a stuntman require?

health insurance personal accident

Does liability insurance cover hail damage?

No. That would come under comprehensive insurance.