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Q: What if your fully insured car was wrecked by an unlicensed driver Will your insurance cover your loss?
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Is an unlicensed driver still insured on my car?


Can a uninsured licensed driver drive a insured drivers car?

The rules and laws of insurance vary from state to state but generally speaking it is the automobile that is insured not the driver. So if your friend allows you to drive her insured car and you are involved in an accident you are covered under her policy(((IF her insurance policy does not stipulate restrictions banning unlicensed drivers from operating the vehicle))) in which case her insurance may not cover damages done to her vehicle or injuries to the unlicensed driver.

Insured motorist hit uninsured unlicensed driver - who's responsible?

The insured motorist is typically responsible for the damage caused in a car accident, regardless of the other driver's insurance or licensing status. The insured motorist's insurance policy may cover the cost of damages depending on the specific coverage. It is important to report the accident to the insurance company and let them handle the details.

If an unlicensed driver is in an accident with an insured car will the insurance company still cover the damage?

Most likely yes.. but your rates are going up, and the driver will be cited.

Does insurance cover the vehicle if the driver does not have a valid license?

It all depends on the policy. If the unlicensed driver is a named insured and the policy is active then they will be covered. If the unlicensed driver is excluded from coverage then naturally there is no coverage for them. If the unlicensed driver is not a named insured and also not excluded, Then technically they still are not a covered driver, although, coverege may still apply under the owners auto policy depending on the circumstances of any accident and the owners liability under permissive use rules if the vehicle owner allowed an unlicensed driver to operate the vehicle.

What insurance covers medical bills in an accident where someone not on the cars insurance was driving and wrecked?

The un-insured driver will have to turn to their health insurance company for coverage if he carried no auto insurance.

Can an unlicensed driver operate a vehicle on private property with the owners consent?

Unlicensed drivers cannot operate a vehicle on private property. The insurance for the vehicle will not allow unlicensed drivers. Most states require every vehicle in operation to be insured.

Can an unlicensed driver be ticketed for driving without insurance and the car they are driving is insured?

A driver who does not have a valid drivers license will be fined and charged, this has nothing to do with a car that is insured, if the driver is caught and cannot prove that the car is insured the fine will be doubled or tripled. No sane person would drive a car without a valid license or insurance, no matter what part of the civilized world you live in.

Is an uninsured unlicensed driver that is driving an insured car covered if he gets in an accident?

The majority of the time no because it is an insured's policyholder's duty not to let unlicensed people driver their car because they cannot legally drive.

Can you get in trouble for carrying insurance for unlicensed driver?

No, I have never seen a citation for carrying insurance for an unlicensed driver. I recommend that all drivers should be insurance whether they are licensed or not.

What happens when adult unlicensed driver hits you and is driving an insured car?

Generally, the owner of the insured car is held liable for any damages or losses involved after an accident. So if you want to file a claim for compensation after a crash, it is better to file it with the owner of the insured car or his insurance company. The adult unlicensed driver however, can be held liable criminally if there was death or injury involved.

Is your car covered if an uninsured and unlicensed driver drives it?

If they stole it, probably. If you were stupid enough to allow an unlicensed driver to drive your car, it's probably NOT covered under your comprehensive; it may or may not have liability. You should contact your insurance agent for a definitive answer.AnswerYou said an "uninsured driver". So,, If this unlicensed driver is not considered an insured driver under the terms of your Auto Insurance Policy then no, there will no coverage. Additionally if you allowed an unlicensed driver to drive your vehicle and an accident ensued, Your Insurance company may cancel your policy due to negligence on your part if they get wind of the matter.As stated above by the previous contributor, You should contact your insurance agent for assistance in determining who is considered insured under the terms of your policy. If you purchased Direct without an insurance agent, then you have no advocate, your just left up to the mercy of whomever answers the 800 number.