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The answer depends upon whether or not you maintained collision coverage on your car. This is a type of "first party" coverage that pays for physical damage to your car, usually subject to a deductible. You could normally make a claim to your own collision insurer if you had that coverage.

If the driver who backed into your car had liability insurance, you could make a claim against her.

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Q: What if your friend parked your car and another vehicle reversed hitting the side of your vehicle Who insurance would cover the damage your insurance friend insurance or the girl who reversed?
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Auto insurance typically covers the car, not the driver. So, if you have insurance on your vehicle, but you drive another vehicle that doesn't have insurance, you are not protected by your policy if you have an accident in that other vehicle. However, if you have insurance on your vehicle, and you lend it to a driver (from another household) who does not have his or her own insurance, they will be covered by your policy while they are driving your car.

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It is other than collision insurance. It covers hail, stolen vehicle, hitting an animal, and vandalism.

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Collision. Collision covers a collision with an object such as another vehicle, mailbox, tree, etc. Comprehensive covers fire, theft (of the vehicle, not its contents), vandalism, weather related incidents (i.e. hail, lightning, etc), and hitting an animal such as a deer.

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The person driving the vehicle. You borrowed the vehicle so any damage is your responsibly to fix. In almost all cases your insurance covers you if you must borrow another car. Check with your insurance company to be sure.

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Impact; collision; crash; accident

Whose insurance pays when someone else hits your car?

If the other party was clearly at fault in hitting your vehicle then their insurance will pay for the damage to your vehicle. The key is that it is their fault. The way you word the question you don't state that they were at fault but that they hit your car. If it is determined that they were at fault then their insurance pays, if you were at fault then your insurance pays.

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If the other vehicle was parked, there was no other driver to have license, insurance or registration. The driver who hit the parked vehicle is at fault and is liable for all damages to the parked vehicle.