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If you have a police report from the incident, you can try to prove that it was the other guy's fault. However, if you simply exchanged insurance information, there's nothing stopping the other guy from changing his story, at which point it becomes a he said/she said argument, with the insurance companies trying to save their money. If you can't "prove" it was his fault, and you didn't involve the police at the time of the accident, you're kind of screwed. Take it as a very expensive lesson to always involve the authorities as an unbiased third party.

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Q: What if you are rear ended by a fault driver and his insurance denied liability?
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What do you if you was rear ended and was rushed to hospital but police report for driver insurance is incorrect and you only have liability?


If you were rear ended and their insurance accepted liability but later the accident report stated that you abruptly stopped can they decline to pay?

Have they denied it? What report said you stopped abruptly? The other driver? They almost always say that, usually to no avail. More facts of loss details and I can help you more. NO POLICE REPORT Was done company said they pay for damage, and now is not paying for the damage, i have insurance and my boyfriend was driving my vehicle with no driver license, can i pursue this

If you rear-ended another car but the police were not called can the other driver demand money for repairs or your insurance information?

Yes. In a rear end accident, the liability is still there even if police are not called.

Who is at fault the driver who has no insurance no license and is an illegal immigrant or the one who rear-ended him?

In New Jersey it is the driver who rear ended him who is at fault. However, that does not mean that the illegal unlicensed driver will not face deportation.

What if your rights when your rear ended by a driver with the same insurance company as you?

that does not matter, the person who rearended will be at fault

Which driver is at fault if a vehicle was rear ended with only one of three brake lights working and no insurance?

The presumption is that if you were rear ended, the other driver is at fault. The brake lights not working is a mitigating factor, but the bulk of the blame still goes with the other driver. Insurance doesn't have any relation to fault. But it coculd get you a ticket.

When did Control Denied end?

Control Denied ended in 2001.

Who is responsible when you are rear ended and frame is bent?

any time you are rear ended, it is the other driver's fault, from an insurance standpoint. if you have comp and collision, your insurance company will get you a replacement vehicle. If you only have liabiliy, i am sorry to say, you get nothing.

Should anything be done by an uninsured driver who was rear-ended by an insured driver when only the insured driver had damage in Texas?

Proably not, except of course you need to get insurance, luckily this one wasn't your fault

What do you do if you are uninsured and rear ended by a company vehicle and the driver does not want to contact their insurance company?

Call the police and/or the company that owns the vehicle

What is the meaning of joint liability?

Joint liability means that at least two parties share liability in a lawsuit or legal dispute. Often, a jury decides what percentage of liability each defendant is responsible for. An example - An automobile is rear ended by a furniture delivery truck. The driver of the auto is injured and sues the furniture store AND the driver separately. A jury might find that more fault belonged to the driver since the truck was in good working condition. Therefore, this jury might decide that $100,000.00 should be awarded. They might decide that $80,000 of the damages are to be paid by the driver of the truck and $20,000 to the furniture store.

If an insured driver wrecks an uninsured vehicle who pays?

I was recently in an accident & had no insurance. The person that rear-ended me was 100% at fault, which he admitted at the scene, and his insurance company paid for my car (which was totalled) and my rental. At the end of the day, he was at fault.Her company did not insure your vehicle and owes you nothing. Never, never, never let anyone drive your vehicle if you don't have insurance on it (inlcuding yourself!) Above answer is probably wrong. If the other vehicle has liability insurance, which is required in most states, and is determined to be at fault, that person's insurance will cover the repairs or replacement of your vehicle.