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You can still pay for this out of pocket if you like (subject to any company policy or policy exclusions etc) When I have had claims such as these, if the insured wishes to pay of out pocket, and the claimant still reports the claim, will ask claimant if he cares if the insured pays? And why should he as long as he is put back in pre-accident condtion? You will have to promptly pay this, you can't just make payments to the guy (unless he agrees), and then after the claimant is satisfied, and made whole again, we close the claim without payment to your adjuster immediately and also you can't be argueing nickles and dimes here, (seen this happen too), in other words you can't say things like, 'my buddy can fix that car for 200 bucks instead of the 500 you have written to repair", you will also owe this person (should they repair) a rental while their vehicle is down, and any injuries of course.

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Q: What if someone files a claim with your insurance company when you did not want them to know about an accident and offered to pay out of pocket?
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First, you cannot find out what insurance company another person uses as this is a privacy issue. If you have had an accident with this person, the insurance company will be listed on the accident report. This is your only option for getting the insurance company name, unless the person wishes to tell you.

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You should immediately report the accident both to your own insurance company and to the vehicle owner's insurance company. Depending upon which state you are in, either one or both insurance companies is responsible.

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Probably. When you purchase insurance, you are insuring the car. If you drive someone else's car and have an accident, their insurance should cover the costs (but their insurance *may* sue your insurance company for compensation/reimbursement.)

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depends on the insurance company

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If someone is seeking damages from an injury as a result of an auto accident and they are not satisfied with the offer from the insurance company I would suggest that a lawyer be consulted.

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NO. the accident happened while he had his fathers car insurance. If he switches insurance he still uses the insurance he had when he got into his accident. However, your health insurance with pick up the difference.

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One can get advice for assistance with accident settlement through attorneys. One can also call their insurance company for assistance with accident settlement.

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The un-insured driver will have to turn to their health insurance company for coverage if he carried no auto insurance.

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If your Insurance company paid the claim then yes they can surcharge you for any chargeable accidents they paid out on your policy.