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If you have liability for an accident, you will need to contact your insurance company. If you do not have liability insurance, you may need to pay for the accident out of pocket.

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Q: What can you do if you have liability who was hit by someone with liability insurance?
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If you hit someone and you have 102010 liability how will they recover?

If your liability insurance is not enough to cover the damages, you will probably be sued by person you hit or his representative for the rest of the damage.

If you hit a tree with only liability insurance can you collect insurance for pain and suffering if you were injured?

No. Pain and suffering of yourself is not a liability, as this only covers damages to property that may be caused (e.g. to replace the tree you hit) or if someone else sues you for what happened. You would need a personal cover or health insurance.

What exactly is liability is it possible it is for health insurance?

Liability is when you or someone or thing is liabile for something that they did or are responsible for . Yes it is possible for health insurance to have liability .

How is auto liability insurance different from comprehensive insurance?

Liability insurance only covers someone else in the case that you are responsible for damages caused in a collision. Comprehensive coverage will cover a driver that you hit, as well as cover yourself for any damages inflicted during a collision.

Is auto theft covered by liability insurance in Colorado?

No. Liability insurance covers damage you do to someone else's property. Theft would be covered by comprehensive insurance. In most jurisdictions, liability insurance is required but comprehensive is not.

Will auto liability cover damage done by a deer?

No. Unless you killed somebody's pet deer, liability insurance is no value. Liability insurance covers the damage you do to somebody else's property or person. Collision insurance covers damage to your vehicle when you strike an object or animal or when your vehicle is damaged by someone unknown, as in a hit-and-run accident.

What part of insurance covers a car that you hit?

Simple. Your liability does.

Will liability insurance pay off your vehicle if it is totaled?

Your own liability insurance will never pay for the damage to your property or for your medical expenses. Your collision insurance pays for damage to your property, if it is your fault. Your Uninsured Motorist Insurance or Underinsured Motorist Insurance pays for damage to your property if caused by someone else who is uninsured or under-insured. Your liability insurance will pay for the damage to someone else's property or for someone else's medical expenses, if it is your fault. Someone else's liability insurance will pay for the damage to your property or for your medical expenses, if it is their fault.

What kind of special events would require someone to get liability insurance?

There are many reasons to get liability insurance. All states within the United States require at least liability insurance to drive an automobile. Those in medical professions also get a liability insurance called malpractice insurance.

What is homeowners liability insurance for?

The liability portion of your home insurance policy provides protection in the event someone asserts a claim of liability against the homeowner for damages or injuries.

What is uninsured motorist property damage?

Uninsured motorist property damage, or "UMPD", is basically a form of auto insurance that's one step above liability. Basically when you drive a car and only have liability, your insurance will only cover other vehicles in case of accident, as someone's else's liability or other insurance would cover you if you happen to have gotten hit. Now, if you were to get hit but that person lacked insurance and you only had liability, your only other option to recover any money would be to file a lawsuit. However, lawsuits are simply court orders to pay money and aren't necessarily guaranteed. UMPD would cover your car in case someone happened to hit you and they happened to lack insurance.

Is liability automobile insurance the best cheap coverage?

It covers you if you hit someone for their damage only. It wont cover any damage to you and your own car.