than your car is totaled and your insurance company just pays you a dollar amount instead of paying for the repairs... assuming you have insurance
Large hail refers to hailstones that are greater than 1 inch in diameter. These can cause significant damage to crops, vehicles, and buildings due to their size and weight. Large hail is often associated with severe thunderstorms.
No. Hail damage to a car is covered by the comprehensive (sometimes called "other than collision" or "comp") portion of your auto insurrance policy.
5. It does not have a value greater than 12. Consequently, it does not have a value greater than 12 and less than 13.
It means that some thunderstorms are expected to produce winds capable of producing damage and hail greater than 2" in diameter. A few of the storms may be capable of producing tornadoes.
In mathematics, when we comparing two values if any of the value has a larger value then the sign greater than is used for differentiating that the value is greater than the another value. > is the greater than sign, as in If x is greater than y,then x>y
Very likely. In extreme cases hail can be larger than grapefruit and fall at over 100 mph.
In most cases the cost of repair for a damaged car has to be greater than 25% of the value of the car.
greater as the absolute value of -3 is 3
The absolute value of 3 is +3. No negative number can have a value greater than +3.
lady macbeth
greater than > less than < pointy end towards the smaller value
16.19 has a greater numerical value than 1.619.