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Still is a hit and run. Hopefully you have a good description and license plate to go with the police report you file. Most insurance companies require you to do this in order to fix your car.

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Q: What if a car hits your car and doesn't stop but there are no injuries?
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an apology would be nice

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blame the person who hit first. if that doesnt work then u the first guy who hit the car and the other guys car who hit the other guys car r in deep trouble!

What are the normal injuries if hit by a car?

Excessive prolapse and a fractured hair folicle!, depends on what car really and what speed and whether it hits you in the eye or shin

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Car 2 is liabile for the first collision and must pay for Car 1's damages and injuries. Car 3 is at fault for hitting Car 2 and for the rear end damage to Car 2. This is because each vehicle is responsible for maintaining a safe distance between them and the vehicle in front of them in order to allow them to stop safely.

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If the other car pushed you into the front car then it won't matter. Now depending on what state you are in, injuries may not be covered since some states require valid liability insurance on your part for ANY insurance company to pay for injuries.

What car insurance pays for your injuries when you're in anaccident in your car is?

Car insurance that pays for your injuries when you're in an accident in your car is

If you pull out of a gas station and stop then the car in front of you backs up and hits you who is at fault?

the car in front of you

Where can one find information on car crash injuries?

You can find information on car crash injuries by online resources such as Yahoo answers. In addition, you can find information on car crash injuries by asking your friends or family who had car crash injuries.

What Lisa Lefteye Lopes Injuries from the car accident?

Head injuries

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H is. Why is it there in the first place. You can see there is another car there, so get out the way

Why are the brakes in your car so important?

Without brakes the vehicle would take forever to stop, accidents/injuries would happen all the time.