This situation depends on police reports and insurance. If the vehicle that did the cutting off left the scene and there are no witnesses then this is hard to prove. if the driver that was cut off was given a ticket then a court may have to sort out who is considered At Fault.
Your fuel relay is faulty
adjust your carb so it will keep the fuel up
It means the car is overheating.
Perhaps a vacuum leak at the power brake booster or the check valve on the booster.
i have had that problem, and it sounds like the fuel filter is clogged, you will need to replace the fuel filter.
car cuts off
car starts but when i put it in gear it stop
it depends if the car hit the same area as the impact sensor, as they can be set off with not that much force.
Could be a bad fuse... or another alarm went off near your car.
check the alt. to make sure it's charging
Time for a serious tune up.
Avoid a collision by means of your skillful driving, and let the other driver continue on their way - don't become involved in a road-rage incident.