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I did that and my insurance is refusing to pay on one vehicle. I feel they are wrong as I pay insurance on both cars, this is not right cause they are charging me premiums on the other car but not covering it for damages. This is in Texas.

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Q: What if I hit my own car with my other car that is insured by the same carrier?
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You need to check with your current insurance carrier. In my case I am insured thru Farmers, and with them as long as you carry full coverage on the rig you own and drive that same coverage will be with you in any rig you drive except commercial rigs.

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More than likely your insurance. Check with your insurance carrier for the answer.

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In the state of Florida can a car be registered by one person and insured by another?

A car can be registered and insured by a number of people. Usually they are one and the same. A car can be insured with having it registered to you if you would like to drive it.

Can you drive an insured car without being on the owner's policy?

Providing you DO NOT live at the same address as the insured (in Massachusetts)

Who is liable if an insured car is hit into a parked car and the car that hit the insured car into the parked car gets away?

If a car is parked (so it wasnt moving, standing still), the other car is in fault.

Can you legally loan your car to a friend if it's insured to you?

You can legally loan your car to a friend, if you own it, but be prepared to pay for any damages done to or by your friend, because your insurance won't and they might cancel your policy. You must inform your insurance carrier if other persons will be driving your car.

How do you insure a horse trailer?

It can be insured by the same company that insures your car.

If you own two cars do they both have to be insured with the same insurance company?

No, however you would create a real argument should you be injured in someone else's car and tried to look to your carrier for coverage. Which one would want to jump in and pay policy limits voluntarily? No, but often having two cars carried under the same policy/carrier will often qualify you for a multiple car discount.

Can i drive an insured car if i don't own it?

Sure can (with permission) Be careful though, because not all insurance automatically includes occasional use by other drivers. Make sure the carrier in question does-just in case.

How much is car insurance for a Porsche?

It will depend on the year and model of the Porsche. It will also depend on where you live, your gender, your age, how many other cars you currently have insured, your driving history and which insurance carrier you wish to do business with.