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If a car is parked (so it wasnt moving, standing still), the other car is in fault.

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Q: Who is liable if an insured car is hit into a parked car and the car that hit the insured car into the parked car gets away?
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Are the parents personally liable if a 19 year old on with her own policy gets into a serious accident over insured amounts in Mass where the 19 yr old lives with her parents?

No she is an adult at 19.

Explain the set off provisions of Va under insurance?

The way that it works is you take all of the available coverage for the loss and arrive at the total available coverage for the loss. The liable car pays it coverage up to the avaiable limit The car of the injured party gets a set off of the amount of the liable car if the liable car's policy is less than that of the injured insured party Then the policy of the car under which the injured isured party is an insured by definition pays it full coverage.

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You liable if someone gets hurt on your property no matter what.

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What happens if your 19 year old son who has a license gets into an accident and he's not insured on the parents policy?

If your 19 year old son gets into an accident but is not insured, typically he is the one responsible for the accident, as he is considered an adult. Depending on the circumstances, the owner of the car may also be considered liable for any costs resulting from the accident. The details of the law varies from place to place.

If a person is living on your property and gets in trouble are you liable?

You are liable for felonies, but otherwise not for anything else.

Am i liable in Tennessee if a home health worker falls and gets hurt in my home can the workers employer's insurance cover me as an insured?

No. The company has Workman's comp for that sort of thing. When a home heath care worker is providing service in your home, the home is just an extension of their workplace. You would not be liable, Unless of course you intentionally assaulted or pushed the person down.

Who is at fault when your parked car gets backed into?

Whomever backed into it is at fault.

If you give someone a beer to drink and they go and drive are you liable?

If a person happily accepts a drink then drives away and gets caught, it is their fault almost 100% of the time. The only way you could be liable is if you forced him to drink it when he was leaving, or made him drive knowing that he was not in a fit state to do so.

Who gets the sumassured after the death of the insured?

B I Us x2 x2-- --

If an insured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will the driver or the owner be responsible for payments?

the owner of the car with insurance will be responsible

What happens if your newly bought un-insured car is parked by your home on the street and gets hit by someone else?

Hopefully that person that hit you has insurance, other wise the problem is yours. IF you had an existing insurance policy on another vehicle (traded cars or adding a second car to the household) your carrier will PROBABLY cover this one.