Most of the time its between 15-30% depending on the type or car or truck.
450 horsepower minus the power lost in the transition from the engine to the wheels.
Brake horsepower or BHP is the amount of power the engine provides at the wheels. The is in contrast to traditional horsepower ratings which are measured directly at the engine or flywheel.
yes, all companies do Whoa whoa whoa. they do not. American car companies measure horsepower at the flywheel of the engine on an engine dyno, not at the wheels on a rolling road dyno. There is a significant power loss to get the horsepower from an engine all the way to the tires through the transmission.
The difference between brake horsepower and horsepower or wheel horsepower, they are the same thing, is that brake horse power is the power produced by the crank. The wheel horsepower is the amount of power delivered to the wheels. Brake horsepower refers to the method used to test the engine. A brake is attached to the engine and used to maintain the engine at a constant RPM at full throttle. The delivered power output is then a simple calculation of RPM times torque. Horse power is based on the average amount of work that a horse could do in a day. It is taken to be 746watts. well you guessed it engine output is also specified in kilowatts so divide by 746 and you have horsepower. As stated above it is all the same thing. There is a difference between advertised horsepower and brake horsepower. Advertised horsepower is what a manufacturer will rate its engine/automobile/machine to produce. Brake horsepower is the actual measured horsepower, for example, of a motor on an engine dynamometer.
234 hp by the engine and 205 at the rear wheels
Brake horse power is the amount of engine power which makes it to the wheels. This is different from the actual output at the engine.
At the engine is about 230-250 Hp Hp at the wheels is about 210
about 300 at the block about 220 at the wheels
Horsepower to the crank refers to the power output of the engine before it reaches the drivetrain, while horsepower to the wheel is the power that is actually transmitted to the wheels after losses in the drivetrain. Horsepower to the wheel is typically lower than to the crank due to power losses from the transmission, differential, and other components.
Horsepower is the energy output of the engine. More horsepower = more energy. This does not, however, mean faster, or better acceleration. Not all of the energy produced by the engine will make it to the wheels. Most is lost in the form of heat. Torque is what will push you back into your seat.
No wheel weights control tire balance and have nothing to do with horsepower. The horsepower your engine produces is entirely produced by the engine. You can get better use of that horsepower by limiting the amount of weight of your vehicle but leave the wheel weights on the wheels or you'll be riding a bucking bronco while your trying to drive.
145 whp my redline has 210 hp to the wheels stock