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yes, all companies do

Whoa whoa whoa. they do not. American car companies measure horsepower at the flywheel of the engine on an engine dyno, not at the wheels on a rolling road dyno. There is a significant power loss to get the horsepower from an engine all the way to the tires through the transmission.

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Q: Do American car companies measure horsepower at the wheels?
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the 3.4 has about 160 to 200 horse power it actually has 210 hp These horsepower questions amuse me. I'm guessing you want the amount it is rated at from the factory, which is 210 horsepower. However, it depends what you want-if you measure the amount at the flywheel, it will be higher, where if you measure it at the wheels, it will be lower due to the power loss through the transmission. The factory rating was measured on the engine with all accessories on. But the actual amount of horsepower your car produces depends on the condition on the engine.

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