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Most people just buy another insurance policy somewhere else. That is usually what happens.

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Q: What happens when your homeowners insurance gets cancelled?
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What happens when you have insurance at the time of an accident and then it gets cancelled does the insurance still cover the accident?

Yes it does. The cancellation of an insurance policy is not retroactive.

If your car insurance gets cancelled what is the penalty for not having insurance on your car?

your insurance co will notify the DMV and then can suspend your license

Does home owners insurance cover accidental falls?

It depends on the circumstances. Most homeowners insurance policies will cover some of the medical expenses if a person falls and gets hurt on the homeowners property, but only if the homeowner was negligent.

What kinds of things does my homeowners liability insurance cover?

When you own a home you are libl for nything that happens on your property. Homeowners liability insurance covers you in the event someone i injured on your property. Homeowner's liability insurance covers the homeowner in the event that someone gets injured while on their property. It covers medical bills and other expenses for guests if something happens to them while at your home.

What happens to your insrance premium when you get a DUI?

Unless it gets cancelled, it's going to go up.

If your home owners insurance is part of your mortgage payment and you stop paying your mortgage what happens to your insurance coverage?

Once you have defaulted on your mortgage or have gone into foreclosure all your rights on the homeowners policy are null and void. all rights of recovery revert to the Mortgage company. Basically you become uninsured and the mortgage company remains insured through the policy term. Also if the policy gets cancelled due to the foreclosure any refunds belong to the mortgage company.

What happens if the driver gets a DWI on your insurance?

It depends from state to state, but it probably shouldn't affect your insurance.

How a xbox live account gets cancelled?

It can get banned and therefore cancelled.

What happens when you get hit by an uninsured driver who is completely at fault and he gets insurance the next day and wants to put it on insurance?

If the insurance is not valid on the day of the accident, there is no coverage.

What happens if your car gets inpounded for no insurance no registration and no inspection in pa?

You will have to pay fines if your car gets impounded for no insurance, registration, and inspection in PA. You will have to registration before the car is released.

What companies sell homeowners insurance in GA?

There are many, many insurance companies who sell homeowners insurance in the state of Georgia. It gets a little harder at the coast as in every state. Homeowners insurance itself is a little harder to get in the past few years because of the losses that insurance companies have had. It goes in cycles whereas insurance companies want more auto insurance for a while then home insurance and then back in forth again. You sometimes have better luck placing both your auto and home insurance with the same company if you are having trouble now. I own an insurance agency in Middle Georgia and recommend that you go to an Independent Agency who handles many different companies and are not just subject to the practices of a single company.

What happens to the owner of a car when a person that is not them gets a DUI?

Their insurance rates will likely go up.